Being a Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
The Slaying of Saint Skittles fiasco is heating up again, with a bevy of new reports coming out as the Zimmerman trial goes underway. As a response, Sturges over at Apocalypse Cometh has taken it upon himself to write a series of posts about the legal ins-and-outs of self defense.
Part 1,
Part 2,
Part 3, and more to come.
He speaks as a man with experience in such matters, and given the vast quantities of Red Blood present in my readership, you’d all be doing yourselves a disservice if you didn’t read his thoughts on the matter.
As for myself, I’ve made it a habit of studying war and violence since a young age – both as a profession and as a historian/sociologist. While I’m no Modern Ronin (a tactical expert who’s not only analyzed dozens of gun battles, but even opines on such esoteric matters as barrel twist ratios), I’m amongst the single-digit percentage of Men who can and has applied non-lethal levels of force (pacifists think this is easy; warriors know this is nigh-on impossible).
So while I’ll leave the legal particulars to Mr Sturges, and the tactical advice to the Modern Ronin, there are some thoughts I have to share with you on the matter Narrative: namely, that the Narrative you follow as a Wolf is utterly incompatible with the Narrative which exists amongst the Rabbits – or in this case, the eponymous Sheep.
Let’s start with Wolf Morality.
The Wolf Person is a Man with a functioning amygdala; it’s a morality designed for a K-Type environment, where caution and intention underlie every action, rather than the emotional panic of the Leftist, r-Type, Rabbit (I am, of course, riffing off of the Anonymous Conservative here). The Wolf takes ownership of society, recognizing the thin veneer between order and chaos. To quote one of my favourite pulp authors, Michael Connelly, “Everybody matters or nobody matters.” We have a refined morality, recognizing the importance of each member of the pack, with clearly delineated lines between Good and Evil: those actions which supports the survival and mutual support of all members, and those which result in ruination and decay. As Men of True Grit it is our responsibility to protect the weaker members of the tribe, and to castigate, even expel those who threaten our survival. “Winter is coming,” as the Starks of Winterfell say: our morality is that of hard men in hard times.
And it is an anathema to the Rabbits; the greatest perturbation to the r-Type is not the predator (they’re so inured by their constant terror that they’re blind to legitimate threats), but rather he who does not march in lock-step with the herd.
Modern man is a herd animal. He is a Sheeple – an over-used term, yes, but an accurate one. The Hawai’ian Libertarian summed it up thusly:
As any regular reader of this fringe outpost on teh interwebz knows, I’m partial to a few phrases I use frequently to reflect on the conditions of our “Brave New World Order.” One of them is “We the Sheeple.”
Some people have taken offense to my use of the term. Even after I clarified that when I use the term, I’m usually referring to the way in which the elite overlords or our society view us – myself included; that we are nothing but cattle to them – some still find the term offensive. Bah. Or should I say…B-A-A-A-A…
We are treated however they wish to treat us. If we want to travel, we have a choice between getting radiated or gate raped by the uniformed goons THEY have stationed at all of our airports.
To sum up: “Sheeple” is not a derogatory term to ridicule the fat masses of society, it is a description of how society treats all of us. A perfect example of this is the slang term “Citizen.”
Amongst the criminal classes, “Citizen” refers to the milque-toast, the perpetual victim; the corporate slave with a fancy suburban home who’s never lived on the streets or been in a fight. The criminal preys upon the Citizen, naturally – but with a certain sense of fair-play. Rape, home-invasions, muggings – all of these are fine – but outright murder (except for cases of extreme racial hatred) is generally reserved for intra-criminal violence. As Omar says in The Wire, “Bird triflin’, basically. Kill an everyday workin’ man and all. I mean, I do some dirt, too, but I ain’t never put my gun on nobody that wasn’t in the game.”
Think of them as barbarians on the steppes: they have no interest in killing the farmer’s herd, only in seizing a few for themselves. Killing an entire herd draws undue attention, after all.
“Citizen” is their word for “Sheeple.”
I trust that when you hear the word “Citizen,” what comes to mind is the warrior-nobility of Ancient Rome; the American homesteader with his trusty rifle; the patriot with military service. Use it around one of the criminals, however, and all they hear is “victim.”
And as for when the cops use the word? That’s what they mean too. Sheepdogs and coyotes, two sides of the same coin. They might seem like they’re in opposition, but they’re punching-in at the same ideological clock.
So what about these “Stand Your Ground” laws, then? While ostensibly passed for Wolf people, by Wolf people, it’s impossible to escape the legal degeneracy of the Sheep. As Sturges points out, these laws – like most laws nowadays – can be interpreted however the establishment wants. It doesn’t matter if the beat cop who shows up is a True Wolf, and not a Sheepdog – heck, Zimmerman was let go the first time around – if they set their eyes on you, they’ll dig around until a sufficiently sociopathic prosecutor is located, who’ll happily destroy your life without a moment of guilt.
The Sheeple, the Rabbits, they run this world. The culling of the herd, the occasional coyote predation, this is normal to them. They don’t notice it above the background terror. Comfort, for them, is knowing that they’re one amongst many; that they’re not responsible for the consequences of their actions, that the occasional rape and murder is nothing but bad luck – a lighting strike, rather than a result of a chain of events they could have prevented.
You, on the other hand, fill them with moral dread.
If you believe in the Wolf Narrative, you’ll be tempted to look after others. You’ll defend the prostitute being beaten by her pimp – only to have her testify against you. You’ll step up and defend a lone individual who’s being beaten by a gang outside of a bar – only to have him disappear, and a prosecutor question the level of force you used in the brawl. You’ll join the neighbourhood watch because of all the break-ins that have been happening to your neighbours – only to have your neighbours turn against you when Saint Skittles receives his just deserts.
Expose yourself as a Wolf, and the Sheep will start vibrating.
Civilized society is dead. It’s not dying, it’s dead. Act like a Civilized Man, like a Roman Citizen, and the zombies will realize that you’re amongst the living.
To survive and thrive amongst the cowards, you must act like a coward, while preserving your true self. The society is dead, now there is only the tribe – and you must be selective about who gets to join Jack Donovan‘s Fight Club. This nascent rebuilding of society must only include other Wolves; only Men of Red Blood, and Women of Virtue, can be included here. Those whom you can trust to side with Truth above the herd.
The laws are set up so that anything short of Rabbit-style cowardice is considered excessive force. Go along to get along, and mind your own business are the phrases of the day. Zimmerman performed a community service by ridding us of Saint Skittles, but the Rabbits don’t know heroism when they see it; expect similar gratitude if you try and do the same.
Keep your head down, leave others to seek their own destruction, and stay faithful to your tribe, and your tribe alone.
All else is folly.
EDIT: I’m sure some of you are left wondering why the Rabbits get so upset when they find out what you are. After all, shouldn’t they realize that you’d defend them against the actual predators? To put it simply, you’re forcing them to confront a terrifying reality; that terror is too much for them to bear, so they attack you, rather than acknowledge the true dangers. The Anonymous Conservative goes into detail here – and next Thursday (the 18th of July, 2013) he’s giving away his book for free; make sure to check it out.
The modern motorcycle club perhaps.
The reality is that most wolves will be lone ones.
I have always been the wolf in sheeps clothing. I may go along with the sheeple only because there are so few wolves out there to begin with. At times my cover gets blown and i get ridiculed for my ideas and opinions since they do not follow society’s path of ignorance. Being a hero is never a good thing in this society as others will see you as a threat and come after you. Even if Jesus himself shows up from heaven the sheep will throw his ass in jail!
I grew up in a pit of wolves called the ghetto where everyday some one is either shot, robbed or beat down. I grew up in this enviroment and it taught me how to survive and it also taught me that life at times can be a cold and cruel monster who can take your life away in an instant. I see these sheep with their fancy cars and big homes flossing they would not last a day in that pit! Most have never experienced the real grit of life so when a man or woman starts to make a commotion they shut them down quick.
They refuse to think what if there is more to the picture? They do not ask questions because their little brains will not be able to decipher the real reason.
I say if the sheep want to follow each other off the cliff then let them. We have to many idiots around anyways!
great post!
The prosecution of Mr. Zimmerman was an act brought on by tribal behavior. Mr. Martin’s mother saw her child as obviously blameless, whether or not this was the case. Blinded to the truth, she sought support from people who’s job revolves around finding and fighting conflict against members other tribes within their society. Said supporters went to the media elites who gladly doctored police audio to try the case in public.
It’s a shame that the same people who try to look out for society are the same people who are victimized by intertribal violence because they aren’t prepared for it.
It seems obvious that the proper Wolf, needs to wear his sheep’s clothing, and never make himself known – blending in. I’ve operated that way all of my life – if someone does something to me, I bare my teeth, or ripe their throat out as necessary, and go on my way. No need to eat your kill – leave it lie where it fell. That is what the “bad wolf” will do, so why should I (a “good wolf”) only kill when I need to eat and not to defend myself?
If I have to kill to defend myself, I calmly walk away – just as the bad wolf would if I were truly a sheeple. I see no reason to expose myself to all of the bah-bahing of the real sheeple… They just get fearful and will condemn me – easier to blend in and let the body of the other wolf just be found and wondered about while I go on my way.
i like your take, it is always a fine line in whom you confide of your knowledge , and true strength. We can prepare ,but while others around us refuse to awaken till to late , it is as it always has been through out history,,
Seems like you need to read steppenwolf.
I typically agree with you , but Zimmerman was dead wrong in this case. You should not start fights with children then shoot them when you begin to lose.
Ed: Ignoramus.