My Collected Writings on history, science fiction, philosophy, and women.


5th Generation Warfare and Cabal

The following video is an hour long, but I’m recommending it as a must-see for anyone who’s interested in understanding what’s actually going on in the world. It’s an explanation of 5th Generational Warfare, by man well studied in military affairs, but tackling the topic from a civilian perspective. So what is 5th Generational warfare? Well – it’s sort of like the metaphorical strategies underlying warfare – that Je ne sais quois described by Sun Tze and Clausewitz – becoming increasingly manifest, and the physical events becoming increasingly less important. The previous generations are: 1st: Classical warfare 2nd: Mechanized/Trench Warfare...

A Problem for both Trans Activists and TERFS 4

A Problem for both Trans Activists and TERFS

The Trans will say it’s a man. The TERFS will have to own it as a woman. All I’m saying is that at least the CIA is an equal opportunity employers of MKUltra pawns Drake said Hale did not have a prior criminal history. He also said police are not aware if she had any mental health issues. If Transsexualism isn’t a mental health issue – if it’s nothing but aesthetics – then why the hell is insurance paying for it? I identify as a guy dating the three-titted mutant from Total Recall, where’s my government subsidy for a new...


On the Character of Conspiracy

A Moral-Cognitive Theory of Power How deep does the rabbit hole go? This seems to be the seminal question of our time. That conspiracies exist is self-evident. In the immortal words of Col. Gathers, “By the time God crapped out the third caveman a conspiracy was launched against one of them!” It is part of man’s nature to form groups, to create exclusive collectives, and to organize plans for mutual benefit. While it might be comforting to believe otherwise, there is no fine line demarking this quotidian form of socializing from more ominous confederacies. Criminals and businesses alike require oaths...


Do You Believe in God?

The answer is Yes; yes, and… Recently, somebody dear to me said, “You know, for all of that you talk about God, I still don’t know whether you believe in Him, or if you just view Him as some sort of metaphor.” Fair enough. “I do believe in God,” I said. “But it’s also so much more than just belief.” *          *          * This is the question that Prof. Peterson has famously refused to answer. Are you a Christian? “I suppose the most straight forward answer to that question is yes, although I think it’s – it’s – let’s leave...


On Trans Guys and Alpha Males

So there was this Trans Guy I was chatting with not too long ago. Told him I was going to hang out with my buddies, and he asked, “So, like – do you and your buddies suck each other off?” No, not exactly, I said. Mostly we just get drunk and complain about our jobs. Speaking of my job, there’s this guy I work with. Real Alpha Male type. Muscular, tattoos, likes to show you pictures of his infant son next to his lifted pickup truck. One day he asked me, “So what do you like to go by? Leo?...


The Cornerstones of Traditionalist Christianity

In a recent post I described the core nature of Gnosticism: Understanding the Enemy: Critical Theory, Radicals, and Neo-Marxists. In it I endeavoured to provide an intuitive understanding of what’s going on in the minds of those on the radical left. What their fundamental belief structure is, and how it drives their actions. Because make to mistake – what we’re experiencing is a clash of metaphysical worldviews. A clash of religions. The secularization of our society didn’t lead to an ‘abandonment of superstition’ as the liberal atheists hoped. It turns out that Atheistkult was but a minor camp within Christianity’s...


A Farewell to Niceness

One of the great silver linings of the past two years is that it’s become abundantly clear who is thinking for themselves, and who is wilfully immersing themselves in the illusions of the demiurge. Who it is that we can build meaningful relationships and community with – and who is worshipping power, conformity, and the god of this world. It’s Manichean. The spiritual issues bankrupting the West have finally manifested themselves into a physical sacrament of despoilment.


The Matrix Resurrections: Pulse of the Zeitgheist

If the video doesn’t embed, you can click here to watch it on Odysee. My review of the new Matrix movie, Resurrections. This movie’s getting a lot of hate – but I’ll be honest with you folks, it’s pretty darned good. It not only redeems the second and third – it’s arguably far more intelligent and nuanced than the first. More importantly, it makes a profound statement about where our zeitgheist is at – and brothers, it’s all good news.


They’re Down Here For Our Souls

A guest post by Blato Oh DeannaSweet DeannaWell, I ain’t down here for your moneyI ain’t down here for your loveI ain’t down here for your love of moneyI’m down here for your soul The above chorus is from a Nick Cave song entitled, Deanna.  Cave describes the song as a sort of ‘devil at the crossroads’ song.  The song is inspired by a childhood friend of his who had an abusive father.  Given that they were eight at the time, it’s not hard to fill in the blanks of what the song is about.  Children don’t think with subtly. ...