Instruction in the Classics

The Classics used to be the core of our educations system.  Young school boys would struggle their way through Greek and Latin, so that one day they might appreciate the poetry of Homer or the insights of Marcus Aurelius.  Sadly, those days are long gone.  Our education system has been eroded by radicals, and on the rare occasion that one of the Classics is taught, the narrative is injected with post-modern themes, usually turning the heroes into the villains, and vice versa.

These ancient works are more than just stories, however; they form the groundwork of our culture, and the core of developing into a man who is both strong and good.  They certainly aren’t practical – because they don’t apply to any one facet of life – but they apply to all facets of life, and without them we don’t know who we are, or where we ought to go.

Over the years I have made it a point to become widely read in a variety of fields – history, literature, strategy – and I know that there are many of you who want to learn about these fields as well.  This is why I’m offering this service, Instruction in the Classics.

Courses Offered

Ultimately, this is an individual service; I’m entirely accountable to you, and your studies go in whatever direction you desire.  We can follow the standard route that most schools use for Classics and Philosophy, or the studies can be focused.  For example:

The Tao of Strategy: Strategy is one of the higher-order disciplines which applies across all times and places, both in real-life military conflict, video games, and business.  It is one of the great mysteries which can only be pointed at, never specified.  In this course we’ll be studying some of the greatest military minds of the past, and applying them to real-life situations.

The Philosophy of God: I spent my twenties as a hard-nosed atheist, and am familiar with every argument against theism which exists; but it was the necessity of an ontological proof which drove me to the Church.  In this course we’ll be studying the very groundwork of philosophy, reason, and science.

Masculinity and Femininity in the Ancient World: Nihil novi, sub sole.  Men and women were just as great – and as wretched – back then as they were today.  We invent words such as Alpha, Beta, and Sigma when Homer simply called them Achilles, Odysseus, and Ajax.  This course is about battle, marriage, and child-rearing.

Course Layout

Courses do not adhere to a “Four Year Degree, because everything is a Four Year Degree” timetable; and because we’ll be moving at your pace, things might go faster or slower than expected.  That said, anticipate about three months per book which we study.  Each week will involve:

  • 2 hours of readings, on your own time.
  • Chapter Questions, provided by me; a short essay answering the questions, provided by you (I’m not marking it, it’s just to allow me to see where you are).
  • 1 hour live discussion, about your essay, and how what you read relates to… everything else in life.

Because this is the Classics, all readings will be available online through Project Gutenberg, though I may recommend modern translations in some cases.

If you’re interested, please fill out the form below.  Tell me what you’re interested in studying, and how I can contact you (Skype is my preference, but I’m flexible) so that we can discuss the curriculum and rates.

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