Trained as a Historian at McMaster University, and as an Infantry soldier in the Canadian Forces, I'm a Scholar, Author, Film Maker, and a God fearing Catholic, who loves women for their illogical nature.
There definitely is a problem with black incarceration in America. Part of it is self-inflicted, like you said; part of it is genuine injustice against blacks. Throw in a for-profit prison system, and it’s a recipe for disaster. Rand Paul mentioned that blacks get unfairly targeted by police, and conservatives (neo-cons, anyways) lambasted him for “giving comfort” to the Ferguson rioters.
I think part of the problem with the White Nationalists is Godwin’s Law. Too many are rosy-eyed for Hitler, or worse, think he was too soft. There may be some decent ones, but too many seem to be low-level degenerates trying to blame their problems on the blackies and the Jews.
I think Jack Donovan associates with them because of he is a “everybody nationalist” like you and I, and the WNs give him a platform because he looks the part of the virile, tough-as-nails white man. And we wouldn’t have him any other way. That being said, he still gets flack from some for his sexual degeneracy, and with a Latino man at that!
Question: you say that Leftism encourages people to blame others for their problems, but I know many liberals, namely white ones, who say everybody’s problems are their fault. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Does Leftism has a two-fold message of guilt based on social standing? The poor are never to blame, the rich are always to blame? Like how Christianity preached obedience for slaves, and compassion for masters (your humility/respect paradigm in action, perhaps?)?
I’ve been watching your videos and reading your posts for a number of years now. I have also read your first book, and it was quite good. You need to get finished with your second!
The main reason I am posting is that I recently found out about your plan to do a film about SJWs. I am still considering if I want to help fund it. I like the idea as I understand it. The idea is to create something that the main-stream media will have to cover. I am somewhat concerned with how the main-stream media (being so left-leaning and SJW friendly) will be able to paint the film based on your involvement. That you being such a large part of the production of the film will only give the media the ability to pull parts of your youtube videos and parts of your writings out of context to paint the film as something created by some crazy, sexist, raciest, right-wing nutbag. They will not focus on what the film is saying, but just be able to dismiss it in their coverage as the ranting of a villain.
Understand, I want the film to be successful. I just think that the media is going to want to find any way to rip it down, and attacking your other views will be an easy target. Most people reading the articles that are written or watching the news video segments about the film will just be told that the film was made by a Nazi. They will use your out of context words to paint everyone who has any issue with SJWs with the same brush. Most people who read or watch the main stream media will not do any further or deeper investigating and just think we are all just a bunch of evil wackadoos. Because of this, the message of the film will not go far outside of the group of us who already know what is going on.
I think for something to move from our way of thinking to the main stream, the person or people who are presenting the ideas have to be unassailable. Like how Jackie Robinson was with base ball, or Rosa Parks with the bus, they had to be people who no one could pull up some dirt on, even out-of-context dirt.
I want this film project to do well, but I’m just not sure you are the right person to be bringing these ideas to the main-stream market. Due to this I am not yet sure it is a good idea for me to put money behind the project. Please think about what I have said. It is not meant as an attack in anyway, but meant to be constructive to the health of the project. Maybe you could find someone who has your video skill set to partner with Mr. Owin, and you could just work in the background.
If you think my reasoning is off in any way, I am open to hearing your counter points.
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Leo M.J. Aurini
Professionally a Bachelor of History, a Bachelor of Geographic Information Systems, and a Canadian Forces Infantry Veteran.
I write science fiction, play the saxophone, study philosophy and psychology, have dabbled in film making, and am a faithful member of the Catholic Church. Politically speaking, I'm a Red Tory and a Monarchist; my views are often heterodox to the mainstream opinion.
I'm also a strong believer in wearing hats for any occasion.
I await your latest podcast or video.
Great video, Davis.
There definitely is a problem with black incarceration in America. Part of it is self-inflicted, like you said; part of it is genuine injustice against blacks. Throw in a for-profit prison system, and it’s a recipe for disaster. Rand Paul mentioned that blacks get unfairly targeted by police, and conservatives (neo-cons, anyways) lambasted him for “giving comfort” to the Ferguson rioters.
I think part of the problem with the White Nationalists is Godwin’s Law. Too many are rosy-eyed for Hitler, or worse, think he was too soft. There may be some decent ones, but too many seem to be low-level degenerates trying to blame their problems on the blackies and the Jews.
I think Jack Donovan associates with them because of he is a “everybody nationalist” like you and I, and the WNs give him a platform because he looks the part of the virile, tough-as-nails white man. And we wouldn’t have him any other way. That being said, he still gets flack from some for his sexual degeneracy, and with a Latino man at that!
Question: you say that Leftism encourages people to blame others for their problems, but I know many liberals, namely white ones, who say everybody’s problems are their fault. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Does Leftism has a two-fold message of guilt based on social standing? The poor are never to blame, the rich are always to blame? Like how Christianity preached obedience for slaves, and compassion for masters (your humility/respect paradigm in action, perhaps?)?
Hi Mr. Aurini,
I’ve been watching your videos and reading your posts for a number of years now. I have also read your first book, and it was quite good. You need to get finished with your second!
The main reason I am posting is that I recently found out about your plan to do a film about SJWs. I am still considering if I want to help fund it. I like the idea as I understand it. The idea is to create something that the main-stream media will have to cover. I am somewhat concerned with how the main-stream media (being so left-leaning and SJW friendly) will be able to paint the film based on your involvement. That you being such a large part of the production of the film will only give the media the ability to pull parts of your youtube videos and parts of your writings out of context to paint the film as something created by some crazy, sexist, raciest, right-wing nutbag. They will not focus on what the film is saying, but just be able to dismiss it in their coverage as the ranting of a villain.
Understand, I want the film to be successful. I just think that the media is going to want to find any way to rip it down, and attacking your other views will be an easy target. Most people reading the articles that are written or watching the news video segments about the film will just be told that the film was made by a Nazi. They will use your out of context words to paint everyone who has any issue with SJWs with the same brush. Most people who read or watch the main stream media will not do any further or deeper investigating and just think we are all just a bunch of evil wackadoos. Because of this, the message of the film will not go far outside of the group of us who already know what is going on.
I think for something to move from our way of thinking to the main stream, the person or people who are presenting the ideas have to be unassailable. Like how Jackie Robinson was with base ball, or Rosa Parks with the bus, they had to be people who no one could pull up some dirt on, even out-of-context dirt.
I want this film project to do well, but I’m just not sure you are the right person to be bringing these ideas to the main-stream market. Due to this I am not yet sure it is a good idea for me to put money behind the project. Please think about what I have said. It is not meant as an attack in anyway, but meant to be constructive to the health of the project. Maybe you could find someone who has your video skill set to partner with Mr. Owin, and you could just work in the background.
If you think my reasoning is off in any way, I am open to hearing your counter points.
Best of luck,
Mr. Aurini,
I’m sorry, but am I hearing you say that you treat Youtube comments as a legitimate social consensus?
Just thought I’d inquire into one of the many statements in this podcast that demonstrate your abysmal ignorance.
An interesting and impassioned commentary…
@Ramona, You obviously mis-heard; at 14:45 he referred to the YouTube commentariat as “loud Angry losers”. Or did you miss that part?
@DMJA, what was the name of the teacher that you mentioned in the first minute?