The First Principles of Fighting Enemies Inside the Gate

In 1984, Soviet defector and ex-propagandist Yuri Bezmenov was interviewed by G. Edward Griffin; you can watch the whole thing here.  If words such as Cultural Marxism and Frankfurt School are new to you, I strongly suggest that you watch the whole thing – in particular, take note of his comments on Social Justice.

Cultural Subversion has been underway in the West since the 1950s at the very least; this is not conspiracy, but historical fact.  It was Cultural Subversion that turned the Baby Boomer “Prophets” into a bunch of hedonistic navel-gazers; the Gen-X “Nomads” into nihilistic layabouts; and the Millenial “Heroes” into effeminate White Knights.  The upcoming Sleepers – an “Artist” generation – has yet to speak for themselves, but thus far they seem to be permanently infantilized.

It’s an amazing testament to the collective virtue of Brittania’s children – America, Canada, Australia – as well as some of her step-children – India and Hong Kong come to mind – that we’re in our fourth generation of Cultural Subversion, and all has not yet fallen.  Nonetheless, we are broken and divided.  At best, we come from a stable family unit that beat the odds – never an extended family, though.  Some of our values we learned hands on – but most came from books written long before this process started.  We’re helped by the fact that the Soviet Union fell – Marxism was such a toxic prescription, that no amount of pro-Soviet Western PR could cover up its flaws – but we’re still left with the sickly remnants infesting the halls of Academia, driving the intellectual discourse under the label of “Radical” thought, as they criticize the Neo-Liberals who just don’t get it – they’re always five years behind!

The pillars of this society have taken some heavy blows – but they haven’t fallen yet.  Dust and detritus are everywhere, and the old edifice moans under every new burden, but it still remains standing.

Before we can start rebuilding it, however, a question must be asked – who here is on our side?

First principles, Clarice. Simplicity. Read Marcus Aurelius. Of each particular thing ask: what is it in itself? What is its nature? What does he do, this man you seek?
~Hannibal Lecter, Silence of the Lambs

Cultural Subversives and demoralizers work by hiding in plain sight.  Their goals are to destroy the pillars by becoming chiefs of the work-crews sent to repair them.  With full knowledge and evil intent, they say “This pillar could be better, if only we added this!” They intentionally make the perfect into the enemy of the good, and destroy what we have that is good.  Whether it’s Feminism fanning the flames of “The Problem With No Name“, or Social Justice Warriors making mountains out of molehills any time harassment occurs, they prey upon our better natures to turn us against ourselves.

Our society has an autoimmune disorder; the antibodies are attacking one-another.

If we are to combat this disease, we must drop all of our labels – or at least, use our labels as descriptors alone, rather than as blunt hammers to bash each other with.  Perhaps you find Game and pick-up artistry offensive; I ask that you look at the voices behind it, and channel Marcus Aurelius.  What does he do, this man you’re reading?  Maybe it’s the Liberals who offend you, with their libertine sexual mores, the Teabaggers with thur Bibles! or the Occupussies with their chants.  Maybe it’s the Reactionaries with their pretentious, aristocratic airs, the Catholics with their superstitions, or the Atheists with their snobbery.

I would counter that the Founding Fathers were onto something fairly self-evident when they brought up the Rights to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Any society worth its salt would encourage passionate discourse in the marketplace of ideas, and allow individuals to pursue their own ends without systemic interference.

That Liberals and Conservatives argue is only natural; that they argue so viciously is a result of the toxins these Marxists have been leaking into our system for so long.

So ask yourself, what is the nature of this person?  Are they arguing honestly and with integrity?  Do they have an appreciation for beauty?  Do they maintain civility, even when passionate?  Do they genuinely believe the ideas they espouse, and are the amenable to argument?  If so, you’re speaking with one of your fellow citizens; don’t mistake them for an enemy.

The enemies of civilization only argue to create distractions.  They have no honesty or integrity to their words, they’re numb to beauty, and whenever possible they resort to underhanded personal attacks.  They sow the seeds of discord wherever they go, and when we fight amongst ourselves we’re doing their own work for them.

Maybe the war’s already lost.  Maybe the signal-to-noise ratio has grown too high, maybe dialogue has become impossible…


Our countries are not yet police states.  Our economy is not centrally planned.  We still yearn for love and romance.  And we still – sometimes – commission works of great beauty.  We’ve held out a lot longer than we should have.

Call it the Coalition of Common Sense.  We can disagree – but we can also cooperate.

Put the vitriol on the back-burner; we have demons to hunt.

Leo M.J. Aurini

Trained as a Historian at McMaster University, and as an Infantry soldier in the Canadian Forces, I'm a Scholar, Author, Film Maker, and a God fearing Catholic, who loves women for their illogical nature.

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7 Responses

  1. Bob Wallace says:

    I remember that scene from “Silence of the Lambs,” and that he said, “He envies.” I thought, how right: how much of our behavior is motivated by envy, although we often misname it “justice” or “fair play.” But when you seek first principles, it’s not justice of fair play at all.

    By the way, I have a copy of “Meditations.” It’s one of those books that all should read.

  2. Bhruic says:

    I’m far too tempted to hunt demons by setting fire to the energumens.

    Typo: year – yearn

  3. Joe Johnson says:

    I long for the days of my youth, when frustration mixed with high-minded language to create a turgid swamp of self-important drivel. Ah, to be naive and stupid again.

  4. Tiger Jockey says:

    I’d argue the jury is still out on Millenials. The bulk of us are still under 30, and most of us are fiscally and spiritually handicapped to really do much. I think this the tumblr SJW stuff is mostly a fad, that will either die out or will get pushed away by potential coming events. Even if it does linger, it is a position of total impotence and stagnation (I’m x, so I can’t do anything! Damn those y’s and their privilege) so anything involving any actual action will override them. And they are easy to make fun which gives us a clear rhetorical edge. As you said, civilization is shaken but still intact, and there is a growing right-wing amongst my generation. I’m hopeful so long as the bulk of the growing right-wing doesn’t go full 1488, and instead focuses on grassroots action that seeks to help out real people, and not bitching at abstractions that may or may not be there (which is where most intelletcual movements end up on both wings).

  5. Kierkregaard says:

    I’ve never been sure of Bezmenov. Where is he now?

  6. njartist49 says:

    ” I think this the tumblr SJW stuff is mostly a fad”
    No. I am sixty-five; old enough to understand that leftism at its core is founded on long term planning: not every incident or essay; but the general principles are laid out and instantiated according to opportunity. The Left has was some have called the Mark of Cain- worldly wisdom; and worldly wisdom is directly connected to he who governs this world.

  1. November 30, 2014

    […] The First Principles of Fighting Enemies Inside the Gate […]

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