This election has been a study in Liberal disfunction. A study in how they think. How can we mitigate the threat caused to the Republic by these people? How can we turn this tactical victory into a long-term strategic solution?
Trained as a Historian at McMaster University, and as an Infantry soldier in the Canadian Forces, I'm a Scholar, Author, Film Maker, and a God fearing Catholic, who loves women for their illogical nature.
Need an end to bureaucracy, and a return of nobility. Authority was generally passed down, and attached to lands, titles, etc… – it wasn’t always perfect, but it was generally eugenic. Families composed of idiots like the above would crumble and be replaced. The right will always be at risk, as long as it continues to stay with a modern state.
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Leo M.J. Aurini
Professionally a Bachelor of History, a Bachelor of Geographic Information Systems, and a Canadian Forces Infantry Veteran.
I write science fiction, play the saxophone, study philosophy and psychology, have dabbled in film making, and am a faithful member of the Catholic Church. Politically speaking, I'm a Red Tory and a Monarchist; my views are often heterodox to the mainstream opinion.
I'm also a strong believer in wearing hats for any occasion.
Need an end to bureaucracy, and a return of nobility. Authority was generally passed down, and attached to lands, titles, etc… – it wasn’t always perfect, but it was generally eugenic. Families composed of idiots like the above would crumble and be replaced. The right will always be at risk, as long as it continues to stay with a modern state.