A Path Forward for the Dissident Right

The past year has been rough for the Dissident Right.  The election of Donald Trump caught us all by surprise.  As soon as his election numbers were in, we collectively realized that we didn’t have a plan for moving forward.  We were so used to laboring under a hostile, Democrat establishment, whose official opposition was the RINO Washington insiders, that the victory of our favoured, maverick candidate left us without any clear direction.

On the one hand, we had our man in Washington.  On the other, we still had the Civil Service, the Alphabet Agencies, the corruption of the swamp, and Silicon Valley to contend with, and they were now doubling-down on censorship, labeling as ‘conspiracy theory’ anything that didn’t go along with their suicidal prescription for Western civilization.

The excitement of election night left us feeling exhausted, and unsatisfied.  We’d been watching from the sidelines, discussing and reporting what was happening, but few of us were invited to the after-parties.  This is still an online movement, after all, and that warmth of human company is something that the Internet can’t provide.  Into this vacuum came the opportunists.  Those who would make calls for action – however pointless or self-destructive that action might be.  Those who would court media attention through ill-advised stunts, attracting followers because “Hey – we’ve been the biggest advocates for Trump from day one!” Those of us who were in the old-guard of Dissident Right politics – who’d been calling out feminism before doing so was a cottage industry, who’d been decrying Social Justice before it was even labelled as such – watched all these antics with a feeling of despair.  Out of a desperate need for a sense of relevancy, all standards were dropped – for both individuals and leaders – as the poorly-groomed armies of the AltRight marched themselves into the jaws of destruction.

Many of us went quiet; retreating to the back benches, waiting for this foolishness to pass.  We predicted every costly defeat, but were summarily ignored by those who wanted action now, and shunned any discussion of strategy.  Thankfully this foolishness seems to be coming to an end.  The stupidity has been flushed from the system, as many are forced to admit the strategic errors they’ve made, and the poor leaders they’ve elected.  It may finally be time for the Dissident Right to begin organizing again, but if it’s to have any hope of succeeding in its goals it’s going to require that the individuals within put their nose to the grindstone, and learn to embody the greatness that Western Civilization demands from its adherents.  The following is a scaffolding – the bare groundwork needed – for the Dissident Right to grow beyond a place of Internet impotence.

1: Have Something to Fight For

One of the most foolish statements I’ve heard over the past few years is how ‘useful’ confirmed bachelors are for the movement, because their lack of familial relations meant that they can’t be threatened or blackmailed into silence.

In response, I’ll refer to the following map (H/T):

Lack of investment in the future is the PROBLEM that we’re trying to combat!  Liberals have no skin in the game; no future, no progeny to protect.  A man who wants to call himself a man of the right needs – by definition he needs – to have skin in the game.

This means a stable business and a career – no NEETs allowed.  This means a wife, a household, and children – no reckless sexual debauchery, ruining organizations.  This means a community, a City, a State which he identifies with, a home he’s willing to fight for.

We need men who have something to lose!  To remain rootless is to be a dilettante, it creates a warrior who fights not for a cause but for personal glory.  It creates short-sightedness.

Nobody wants to serve with a soldier who’s fearless; he’ll wind up going on a suicide mission, and dragging his company down with him.  We need soldiers who understand fear, but have the bravery to do what needs to be done nonetheless.  We need men who can balance caution and audacity.

2: Abandon Identity Politics

Reversed Stupidity is Not Intelligence.  The civilizational wreckers have been leveraging Identity Politics against us for decades; anybody and everybody whom they can define as an Official Identity Group have been corralled into complaining about the Evil, White Patriarchy oppressing them.  The Dissident Right is the only conservative group willing to fully acknowledge this, but they’ve learned the wrong lesson: they’ve tried employ the dark magics of the enemy for the purposes of light.

You need to understand what Identity Politics is: it is the cheap, plastic, high-fructose corn syrup replacement for identity.  It takes things like culture, identity, ethnicity, and nationality – bleaches them until they’re threadbare – and then dyes the cloth in dayglow colours, turning the adherents into mindless zombies.

The anti-White animus engendered in the Black community does nothing to create genuine culture; in fact, it could only be properly instilled after the Black family had been destroyed by socialist policies.  The same animus is being promoted by many in the Dissident Right, only this time for White – atomized White with no more heart, hearth, and home than the Blacks living in the inner city ghettos.

Identity politics is the mind killer.  It stops thought, and prejudges all individuals with a bad heuristic.  If you’ve ever noticed how White Nationalists tend to spend more time attacking other White people – usually the Whites closest to them, rather than the traitors in Washington – this is why.  Their simplified heuristic demands “If you’re not for us, you’re against us!” You must 100% agree with everything they say, else you’re a race traitor, and those who stand out most prominently as ‘villains’ in this heuristic are those who are most loyal to their co-ethnics.

Identity Politics is a toxic ideology used to destroy the people it infects, while simultaneously turning them into a useful army of zombies.  It has no place in our circles.

3: Return to the Truth

Let’s return to our roots for a moment, and remember why all of us got into this in the first place.  The reason we all became dissidents is because, at some point in our lives, we discovered that the world we’d grown up believing in was founded upon a monumental lie.  Whether the first lie we ran into was the feminist lie – or the evil, White history lie – or the oligarchy cover-up – this monumental lie outraged us, and put us on a quest for the truth.  Discovering the truth about one thing led to discovering the truth about another, and bit by bit we ‘red pilled’ ourselves about the hostile Matrix we’re all living in.

But at some point we abandoned our quest for the truth.

The Left tells lies of convenience.  It promotes that which helps its agenda without regard for objective reality.  It is postmodern and solipsistic, blindly seeking after power for power’s sake.  Far too many in the Dissident Right have fallen into the same sort of hubris.

The ultimate truth is God; the Logos.  Without God’s truth, all other truth collapses into subjective truth; “Like, whatever you want to believe, man!” The Left is atheistic to the core, believing themselves to be gods who can dictate the nature of reality.  If we value truth – if we have any grounds upon which to call them liars – then we must humble ourselves before the ultimate truth, and follow its dictates even when they aren’t convenient to our egos.

4: Win Back our Women

Feminism is a cancer in our societies.  It leads to demographic collapse, political mismanagement, economic ruin, and psychological misery for both the sexes.  It is an existential threat which must be eliminated.

But we have been trying to defeat it in all the wrong ways.

Feminism is not defeated at the ballot box, or by the lobby group.  It is not defeated through logic or ridicule, and it is not defeated by embracing the mindset of the victim.  Feminism is defeated when masculine men win our women back with virility and leadership.

Masculine confidence and leadership are extremely lacking within Dissident Right circles.  Instead we’re suffused with the autism of the Internet NEET, and the unfocused anger of the teenager.  Instead of men, we have boys ruled by women, who decry the whore while worshipping the Madonna, incapable of realizing that they’re one and the same.

We have an epidemic of thirst, hypocrites who lust after women unsuccessfully while decrying those who approach women with confidence.  The same, toxic spirit which infected PUAHate – the site which drove Elliot Rodger to his killing spree, while obsessing over writers such as myself – hasn’t disappeared, it’s simply moved on to the HAPA blogs and the AltRight.  It is the mentality of the loser, who hates the player instead of the game.  Who chooses failure while proclaiming himself virtuous.  It is the philosophy of the Puritan, who claims to be above sex while secretly obsessing over it.

To win our women back, we need to start acting like men – not pathetic pissant MRAs, or whiny Churchian incels.  We need to stop hating on men who are successful with women, and start learning from them instead.  This lack of virility leads to some of the most virtuous men in our circles being roundly decried, while the most depraved are celebrated as heroes.

Get good.  Get game.  Learn how to approach women with a masculine frame, and lead them.  The women crave it without even knowing it; most of them have never experienced leadership, not even from their own fathers.  Stop acting like swine who ignore the pearls tossed before you by men such as Roosh, stop acting like the bitches on PUAHate, and start acting like real men.

Because until you do, the women will choose anything over your pathetic teenage angst.


I intended this article to be step-by-step instructions on how we can start organizing the Dissident Right, but quite frankly, we’re not ready for that.  There’s too much weakness – too much soy – too much patheity in the individuals for organization to accomplish anything.

I am optimistic, however, that the failures of the past year have forced many of you to look into the mirror and acknowledge your flaws; that you’re finally open to walking the righteous path of self-improvement and personal responsibility.

Great thinkers always return to the same point – Clausewitz and Peterson come to mind, but the same words were spoken by Jesus and Buddha.  That whatever problem might be confronting you, there’s a solution out there and it’s simple.

Simple… but not easy.

Part of the great Western sickness is our love of easy solutions.  We want a pill from a doctor, a march to win the day, a slogan to rally behind.  What you want the most you need the least.  The solutions for the West are simple – the four points I explained above will resolve 90% of the problems we’re currently suffering – but they’re far from easy.  They require real work, humbleness of thought, accrued wisdom, and the courage to put forth sustained effort when victory isn’t guaranteed.  They are hard as nails to implement, requiring true personal growth out of those who follow them, but to do anything less is to fail before you’ve even begun.

There is a great culling underway at present, and the future will belong to those who humble themselves before the truth.  Which side of the divide you’re on is entirely up to you.

The choice is yours.  Affect or effect.  Choose wisely.



Leo M.J. Aurini

Trained as a Historian at McMaster University, and as an Infantry soldier in the Canadian Forces, I'm a Scholar, Author, Film Maker, and a God fearing Catholic, who loves women for their illogical nature.

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15 Responses

  1. MD says:

    By far the most thoughtful and thought-provoking red pill article I’ve read in many months. Thanks.

  2. Durandel A says:


    Having trouble getting my reply to post. Feel free to delete this.

  3. Durandel A says:

    1) Have Something to Fight for
    Completely agree. The issue of having skin in the game has been dwelling in my mind since the beginning of the last presidential election. I was not surprised to see Nassim Taleb’s latest book to have that very title. I forget who pointed it out first, (likely Steve Sailor or Heartiste) but many of the leaders of the West have no children and therefore have no stake in the future of their respective countries. I keep thinking if voting was restricted to 1 vote per family, no divorce, with 3+ kids, net tax paying, the Left would dead and done in the West.

    2) Abandon Identity Politics
    I tentatively agree here. Not because I like Identity politics nor think it necessary, but rather I question where identity fits into the political and value stuctures.

    I believe Identity > Culture > Politics. This a general relationship, has culture and politics can influence the identity…such as the new law in South Africa will remove the Boar and Brit identity from the land alla Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. But generally speaking, this is the direction of the relationship. Culture does not spring ex nihilo, and as Vox Day is found of saying, there is no Magic Dirt to give foreigners a new identity. If we flood the Congo Republic with Chinese, the country will eventually have Chinese culture after a certain demographic threshold is complete. So without acknowledging this Truth, those hung up on White Nationalism will think you are advocating the surrender of Western countries to the Other, which I’m fairly certain you are not doing.

    At the same time, White Nationalists are fools if they think an ethnostate made up of Alt-Right and Communists who share the same ethnicity is more stable than a non-ethnically pure state made up of people who share the same values, say religion. I mean, you could say the best ideal would be to purge the foreigners AND your fellow ethnic Communists and related ideological ilk, but really, a USA or Canada, or Australia or New Zealand could handle taking in Coptic Catholic or Orthodox into their country without much trouble (all the ones I know voted for Trump since they hate Islam)., so why ostracize them when a movement needs as many as it can get? This is why Vox Day take s amore nuanced approach, calling for omninationalism and supporting all peoples to have a land that belongs to their people and allows for their culture to exist.

    Finally, I think Identity politics always overtakes a people when diversity exists, as Ideological politics seems to only develop when the identity of the group is decided upon. Norwegians don’t have identity politics in Norway, because they are all Norwegian. It doesn’t make sense. But throw in a bunch of ME and sub-Saharan African foreigners, and suddenly identity politics develops because now there is an Other. I’m not sure complaining about Identity Politics is really any different than typical Conservative whining about some infraction of civility.

    There’s a quote from the leader of Singapore that VD likes to quote, who states diversity = identity politics. So the only way to really get rid of identity politics, is to develop a platform that offers a larger identity that skin color and allows for a homogeneous identity, even if it is ideological rather than ethnic.

    So you might want to think on this issue more and find another way to state this pillar. Or enlighten me on something I’m not seeing. (1/2)

  4. Durandel A says:

    3. Return to the Truth
    Absolutely agree. The underlying rot is spiritual. We say we are Christian nations, but clearly most Christians really do not believe in major tenants of the faith. The one I’ve recently noticed is that most Christians don’t really believe God regarding the existence of the soul. If they did, their behavior would be radically different.

    But the issue of returning to Truth stems from the Protestant Rebellion, which declared everyman to be an authority unto himself (while claiming it’s the work of the Holy Spirit no less). It’s been 500 years since Luther and yet no correction is in sight and what unification is being pushed for does not correct the errors but rather opens the Catholic Church further to the Protestant ones introduced with Vatican II.

    We also have yet to really work out the issues with the Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, and the Church of the East. I think it needs to be clear that our clergy will not be fixing this anytime soon and it is up to us laity to have the tough conversations. It might be good to actually seek the debates, while also explaining to men that masculinity allows for disagreements so long as we all know where to point the guns when the fight needs to happen —> Satan and his followers. But the East-West issue is less of problem than Protestant theologies and philosophies. What is happening now is the fruit of 500+ years of rot in the Western Church.

    I think emphasizing Christianity in general is good for the big tent, and telling the atheists and agnostics who are pro-West to shut up and support Christians anyway as it is key to restoring Western Civilization, aka Christendom. But eventually, we need to deal with this very old wound in order to establish right thinking again in the Western Mind.

    4. Win Back Our Women
    Absolutely. A livecast you did with RockingMrE recently made me think about how the major success that the PUA-Manosphere-Red Pill movement did was destroying the popularity of feminism to the point that most women without blue died hair refuse to embrace the label. But for many of the younger guys, they were not around during the greatest hits of Roissy/Heartiste, RooshV, Spearhead, Forney as InMaleFide, and many of the PUA guys that I read, like Frost. And frankly, most people will not take the time to go digging into old posts from 2006-2012 on the manosphere sites that are still up. Rollo Tomassi has helped by publishing 3 books that contain most of the ideas, and Roosh does do RoK Archive posts, but we need to get the cullmination of Venusian Arts back to the front pages for these youngers guys. Game just isn’t much of a subject anymore as the Manosphere moved on to Dissident Right politics, but it still needed more than ever.

    I’ve been following the manosphere since The Game by Style came out, quickly leaving PUA for the branch of guys who promoted “internal game” over the routines. It was they who really started the Red Pill movement. Now as I watch the Alt-Right eat itself, I, like you, am wondering how do we really get on track to win this war. It’s time to get serious, past time really.

    These for a good overall stated goals., but I think we need to go further and develop an actual platform and plan. Peterson is popular because there are too many men who need a masculine guide…there is a ministry there that is desperately needed. We need to get these men working out, understanding the key principles of game, help them develop in virtue and good habits, get them to seek jobs that have money, influence and power, develop useful skills for both work and war, martial arts, self sufficiency, right thinking, faith, and the proper balance between the individual and the community. It’s overwhelming what needs to be done, but the Left has been planning this march for over 150 years. We have a lot to catch up on.

  5. grey says:

    In the current environment, “men who have something to lose” will have everything taken from them. Speak honestly about immigration & race, you will lose your job. Object to your child’s burgeoning gender dysphoria and they will be stripped from you. Discipline your woman and the courts will have you on your knees or in chains.

    The way to antifragility is hard and frankly not possible for most. Homeschooling is a must. Have a wife but spurn the entanglement of legal marriage. Side incomes or self-employment are becoming a necessity.

    The liberal has no desire for a future. Their goal is self-annihilation. The neets of the right seek the possibility of a future and will fight for it. Don’t count them out.

    As for identity politics, as an ideology it is no doubt toxic, but as a practical reality its here to stay especially in my USA. As someone who would know, Singaporean leader Lee Kuan Yew said, “In multiracial societies, you don’t vote in accordance with your economic interests and social interests, you vote in accordance with race and religion.”

    We are in the position of Aeneas. The enemy is inside the gates. What we build next will not be the same as the home we had.

  6. Durandel, excellent comments; I plan to expand more on the identity question in future (in fact, I think a lot of thoughts I have brewing are finally ready to come to the surface). Same with you, grey; you’re seeing what I’m putting out there, and I find that incredibly heartening.

    The future is not going to be the same as the past. We have interesting struggles in front of us. I see a lot of opportunities in our future.

  7. Wolfram says:

    Within this excellent article, I liked most section 3, return to truth. If conservative/reactionary politics is based on truth, we will be able to win even against staggering odds, because by acknowledging the true nature of man, we are able to build things that are able to work (though, at the moment, only at a small scale), whereas the left uses its tremendous power only to build things which eventually fail, since they are based on false assumptions.
    Therefore, the perfect motto for the Christian reactionary might be: “The truth will set [us] free”

  8. Asaph Lantz says:

    This is a really great article! It’s nice to see someone like you who is good at language express what I think many of us feel. It’s a scary time, but a lot of regular folks are seeing the humanity beneath the BS these days; PC has gone too far, the schools and judges are out of control we need to get back to identifying with each other. We’re in Canada, we see Others, most aren’t scary at all, just scared like we are. The fear that began seventeen years ago is starting to evolve into something different; a realization that we the people no longer have a whole lot in common with our leaders and governments. I think there’s a major vacuum happening right now, and whoever can guide that mass of folks who are scared and unsure can really reach them.
    So glad to see thinking folks formulating such guides. Thank you and God Bless!

  9. Durandel A says:

    @ Aurini – Thank you. My apologies for the typos. I was trying to knock it out before hitting the hay.

    On the identity issue, Brett Stevens at Amerika posted a few days ago about identity politics and he touched on some of the same things I was mentioning. Vox Day has heavily posted on this subject. I know you are a reader of his, but if you are not a daily reader, I suggest you look back on his points regarding identity politics. Identity politics means something different for USA/Canada/Australia/New Zealand vs. say our mutual ancestral land of Italy and other European nations. There is definitely a negative identity that Spencerians and WNs support that is anathema, but for USA/CAN/AUS/NZ to even remotely remain similar to their Western culture and civilization, the super majority in those lands needs to be European…but we need to also rid ourselves of the Leftists just as the European countries need to do the same with their respective countrymen. So I look forward to diving into this issue with you and other like-minded people on our wing of the Dissident Right.

  10. Durandel A says:

    @ Grey & @ Aurini – Grey, I feel you. I was of the same mindset back in 2006/2007 when all of this first started. Regarding antifragility, I strongly recommend you read Taleb’s book Antifragile and his latest one, Skin in the Game. Many in the Manosphere misapplied Taleb’s points in their summaries. Antifragility, when applied to war, means to reduce the number of flanks open to your enemies. But Taleb will tell you himself that you can’t build an impregnable fortress and then never attack or hold off your attack until said fortress is complete. History shows it to be a losing strategy.

    Men who don’t have skin in the game can help, but they just should never be leaders. If you don’t have skin in the game, what stops you from leaving when the going gets tough and threatening? Look at Milo, he quit the UK to join the USA. Meanwhile Tommy Robinson continues the fight every day for the sake of his children and family. He has a stake in the UK’s future and isn’t a rootless cosmopolitan like most young Leftists.

    Taleb never meant for antifragility to mean that one should eliminate having any skin in the game. Without SitG, there is no wall at your back that forces you fight. In war, the best antifragility to have is to reduce your exposed flanks and gird your loins with courage and willpower. Look at Western history, the real history not the garbage they taught us in school. Many of the heroes were married, had children, had skin in the game…

  11. Durandel A says:

    …While you need to do some soul searching to see what your motives and intent are behind what you wrote (realism or fear, wisdom or running away from obligation and responsibility, etc.), your remarks and similar ones by us on the Right are born from the fact that we lack principles, AND we refuse to conform our own lives to the Truth we know and see. How many Alt-Righters bemoan the demographic implosion of Europeans but then themselves refuse to actually find a good woman (they exist, myself and my friends are proof) , learn game, get a good job, get in shape, and raise a brood of 3+ kids so that the West can continue to exist? Is Roosh doing that? Is Forney? Is Milo? Is our gracious host Aurini doing so? I point this figure at all us for I have my own failings to conform to what I know is True and what I value. This is why there is a call to clean up our personal houses.

    We should wage war against the unjust family system and the horror that is feminism that fuels it, but our real antifragility comes from being bold, smart, and courageous…not autistically dithering as we continue to calculate the odds over and over again regarding our possible but always elusive success.

  12. Durandel A says:

    Final comment and then I’ll shut my mouth.

    About my remarks about marriage and guys like our host in the movement: I by no means wish to imply that Roosh, Forney, Aurini and others are not out there trying to find a woman worth marrying. Nor do I wish to imply that the current mating market is easy and good women can be found anywhere and everywhere. I myself didn’t find a good woman till my mid 30’s though I was dating younger women. So I what, counting 19 as an age to really start discerning marriage I took a decade and a half to find a good one. So it can take time especially if you are looking for love in all the wrong places.

    At some point though, we men also need to let go of our 625 bullet points of what we are looking for in a perfect wife and settle on a good woman who is not compromised on the the 5 or so non-negotiables.

  13. Lucas Temple says:

    Great article. We need to see more of this on the Dissident Right.

    “Having Something To Fight For” is key right now. So many, not just on the Dissident Right, but all across the spectrum spend their time, energy, and “activism” fighting for what they are against, rather then what they are for.

    So what happens when that cause is gone? Pertinent to the point you make about abandoning Identity Politics, what happens if there are now Jews, black, etc around for the Alt-Right to blame?

    What then unites them? Gives them purpose? A foundation? Culture? Hope? Apparently, an ethnostate.

    So many are armchair activists. Half the Red Pill community is now types stuck in the anger phase ranting about how terrible women are or are ranting about how awful feminism is while utilizing it to pump and dump sluts.

    We hear the complaints about the need for stronger men and virtuous women. Well, who the hell is going to raise that generation of men and women?

    As you said, we so desperately need people who have skin in the game. People who are invested in not just building a community, but raising a generation.

    What good is all that we’ve learned and woken up to if we aren’t teaching it to the next generation and building up a community that wont’ just “survive” but will have a foundation that let’s them thrive?

    We need an identity that transcends; a new diaspora. This can happen, but it can’t as long as you have back-biters obsessed with internet fame, gossip, and being edgy.

    I’m a proud dissident, but I damn well better have a stable worldview and foundation that stands for something, rather then just purely being in opposition.

    Leftists will eventually implode into their own factions of infighting. We need to be there to be that light on the hill. Deus Ex refererences about Aquinas speaking of the mythical city on the hill and that’s exactly what we need to do; provide a new mythos.

    Look at those without Mythos. To paraphrase a point Quintus Curtius makes, so goes the mythos and thus goes the man.

    Let’s build one.

  14. grey says:

    @Durandel I have not read Taleb and it seems I need to!

    In re: creating a family, one can both reduce your exposed flanks and put some skin in the game at the same time. The system (in America) is designed to make you a slave, so work around it e.g. get married but do not get a marriage license from the state. Marriage is ultimately between you and the woman and God & your families. Even the best of women would be a fool to not notice the tremendously one-sided power given her once you legally tie the knot. So provide for her, set up trusts and medical powers of attorney etc. Give her the beautiful wedding and the ring and the name change. But do not be yoked unequally!

  15. Durandel A says:

    @grey – I get the fear of the state and the court system, but there are good arguments for why the state should certify marriages. Even if you could religiously marry without the state being involved in the contract, not having enforcement on Earth and leaving it all to Heaven allows for us broken humans to have a facsimile of marriage but always keeping one foot out the door. And marriage is far more about the kids that result from the union…we tend to overlook what is due to the kids. If you are not a Catholic, I might be stepping into theological conclusions that you would be unfamiliar with.

    Anyway, the only real safe guard is a good woman. I hear some states have updated the common law marriage laws to basically allow the woman to do to you what an unfaithful wife could do to you via the family court systems. Besides, you don’t want a feminist/leftist/broken woman to be the mother of your kids, marriage or no marriage. Remember, the kids will get 50% of her genes. Best to reduce the genetic poz load as much as you can.

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