Announcement for 2021: Rumours of my retirement were greatly overstated
If you caught me on Millenniyule this year, you’ll know that I announced my retirement from the online crab-bucket. Well, if you’ve been following my blog, you might be wondering about that – and why is my Patreon still up?
Let me start by saying – it’s entirely possible that I’ll never publish anything again, and you’re under no obligation to support me financially – thank you to all of you who have backed me over the years, but I make no promises going forward.
Now, with that out of the way – let me explain exactly what I’m doing, since the New Year is upon us.
I was once asked what sort of advice I would give to an aspiring writer. The advice is pretty simple: “Don’t.” For two reasons. First, because creative work is a terrible career choice. It exhausts you emotionally, it exposes your deepest self for casual criticism, it doesn’t pay well, and the chance of you getting famous for creating something celebrated are far lower than the chance of you getting famous for creating something risible. The second reason is, because if you’re creative, it doesn’t matter what anybody says, or whether or not you make money, or how well received your work is: you’re going to create, like it or not.
I’m not retiring from creating, but I am retiring from the treadmill. Rather than allowing my creative energy build up until it explodes into something I’m proud of, I’ve been dissipating it by adhering to a schedule, and worrying about the online rat race of e-celebrity. There’s a certain personality type who can broadcast every week, tell you about the news, and give you a fresh take on it – and while I’ve got the public speaking skills, that isn’t the right fit for me personality wise. I love interacting with you guys in real time on a livestream, but afterwards my batteries are just exhausted.
It’s not just livestreaming, either. A smart blogger publishes on a regular schedule – that way they become predictable, and they get a regular audience. But I am not a smart blogger. I’ve got some really deep ideas I’m trying to put into words, blind spots that can’t be spoken of but you can sort of edge around them… I’ve got a dragon I’m pursuing. But I won’t find it if I’m constantly under the hammer, wracked with conscientious guilt about producing content for the people that are backing me.
Ergo – if you’re backing me on Patreon I PROMISE NOTHING!
If you do decide to back me on Patreon despite this – well, first of all, thank you. And second of all – if I ever write another book (which I probably will, but no promises) I’ll be supplying you with a free e-copy. Same goes for anybody who doesn’t have a copy of my current novel (just email me). I’m also open to requests.
You can also send me bitcoin if you want, it’s on the “Donations” tab at the top of my website.
To sum this all up:
- I create best when free of pressure and guilt – pressure and guilt cause me to share ideas that are only half complete.
- I’m terrible at monetizing the sort of work I do. No disrespect to those who run effective Patreon/e-business campaigns, but it doesn’t work for me.
- Ergo, if you choose to back me, I PROMISE NOTHING, but chances are that I’ll probably do something, and if there’s anything in particular my backers would like, please feel free to contact me.
In a way this is mental judo. The only way I can avoid disappointing you guys, is to not worry if I disappoint you guys. Ya dig?
And finally – have a great 2021. Crisis is opportunity, and obstacles are not the same things as walls. I’m seeing a lot of potential for growth and success this year for those who’ve got the cajones to face it head on.
God bless, and have a great 2021!

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