Was the Electric Car a Bait-and-Switch?They were never viable; so why were they pushed?

I’m sure that everyone here knows about how he stole the company from a couple of California dreamers. With all due respect to those guys – who sound like a couple of straightforward engineers, who bought into the greenwash nonsense – electric cars are as stupid idea. They take too long to charge, they weigh too much for the roads, the fuel storage medium is too explosive, they don’t heat in the winter, but most important of all is their reliance upon Lithium. That resource – a heavy element which was only created during the Big Bang – is far too precious to waste on automobiles, especially when we have a perfectly viable alternative which is replenishing the critically low CO2 levels of our planet.
And what’s more, there just isn’t enough of it to go all-electric anyway. It was an idiotic idea from the get go, as anybody with a reasoning mind and the ability to do a few Google searches could have told you. Middle school arithmetic should have put the idea to bed. But thanks to Edgy Elon pushing it, and turning the Tesla into a sexy status symbol, it paved the way for legislation banning the gasoline engine. They deeded to evoke a vision of sexy electric future cars in the population before they could do something like that, and Elon made it happen.
I’m starting to think it was an elaborate bait-and-switch. A fake industry pushing a product that can never be a widespread replacement, but maintaining the illusion that it might be for long enough to see a ban on gasoline engines, as many places have already started to do. I wouldn’t be surprised if we start seeing “principled exceptions” to the all-electric mandate – for trucking, for those ride-share vehicles, for corporate executive cars, but not for us ordinary citizens. Then comes 2035, and whatever forces are artificially depressing the price of electric cars stop doing it, and the price of a Personally Owned Motor Vehicle (POMV as the Army calls them) skyrockets, and they become a rarity and an exception.
“Oh Anon, it was that disruption in the Far East because of the Chinese Communists that made lithium batteries unarffordable! Nobody could have seen that coming! Here, we’ll allow the super-efficient ride-share cars to go gasoline! We love you! Stay in your 15 minute cities as part of the war effort!”
A little nitpicking here: Lithium is not a heavy element; it’s Element 3 in the Periodic Table, the least dense metal and the least dense solid element. It is, however, relatively uncommon on Earth amongst the lighter elements; rarer than 25 of the 32 lightest elements due to its nuclear instability which is atypical for a lighter element. It is also highly reactive and flammable.
Hi, wrote a book on how the elections are robbed
The concept of the electric vehicle is a scam. Lithium is a toxic element and unless disposed of in a proper disposal facility, it will seep down into the soil and poison groundwater reservoirs. E-cars are a major contribution to the ecocide already underway. Self-congratulatory (“I’m helping!”) urbanites have no sense of what they’re doing. They want to ride latest the technocratic gizmo fad to show off to strangers. It’s a unhealthy dose of narcissism and environmental illiteracy. And these people say they stand for science, for the Earth?
Fucking loser