Category: Philosophy


Matt Forney After Hours, Episode 7: Borderline Insane

Last Spring I joined Matt Forney on his subscribers-only podcast to describe Borderline Personality Disorder – a type of creature he and I have had far too many dealings with. It is no longer exclusive content, available to everyone – and as topical as it was back then.


Reflections on Clausewitz’s “On War”; Chapter 1

I’ve recently decided to undertake an in-depth study of Carl Von Clausewitz’s book On War; one of Western Civilization’s greatest works of strategy. I find that the best way to aid my study has always been to write down notes as I read; those notes are what follows. Hopefully you find them a useful summary; if you wish to read along with me, I’d appreciate hearing your own thoughts in the comments section.


Sallust by Quintus Curtius: A Review

Sallust: The Conspiracy Of Catiline And The War Of Jugurtha is a work of Roman History, written by one of Julius Caesar’s lieutenants during his retirement (the eponymous Caius Sallustius Cripus) and translated by my colleague Quintus Curtius.  He had several reasons for assembling a new translation. The first is the sheer beauty of the prose: For in every state those who have no resources envy the productive and, due to dissatisfaction with their own lot, are eager for everything to be changed.  They are nourished by upheaval and sedition without care, as poverty is easily maintained without great expense....


The Right Wins Every Battle, But Loses the War

Whenever the left wins a battle, they win a victory. Whenever the right wins a battle, the left walks away with a victory. The Catch-22 of fighting the left is that the left always wins, drifting in Cthulu’s wake. Why is it that we keep winning every battle but losing the war?

How to Start a Local Labor Union

While Unions have earned themselves a poor reputation in recent decades, the core concept of collective bargaining is not itself invalid; organized properly, Labor Unions could help revitalize the American Middle Class.