Category: Philosophy


Charisma for Introverts: In Depth Analysis #1

This forty minute video is designed to be a how-to guide for introverts on how to improve their ability to relate to others; both for the sake of improving their interpersonal outcomes, as well as enabling them to maintain a shield of privacy when circumstances demand socialization.


Diversity is our Strength

War is Peace Freedom is Slavery Diversity is our Strength Black Pigeon Speaks just released the most heavily-cited and well-edited videos on the “Diversity is our Strength” lie that I’ve ever seen.  Even if you’re already aware of how false that statement is, you may still pick up something new from his video – I wasn’t aware of the mathematical/game theory analysis, though it doesn’t surprise me at all. Interesting addition: did you know that in territories where different races of grasshoppers coexist, their mating calls become more extreme, so as to differentiate the races?  Suggesting that all species are...


The Logic of the Algorithm: the Existential Threat of Artificial Intelligence

Understanding this threat requires that one comprehend the differing natures between man and machine, a difference far more profound than the distinction between “wetware” and “hardware”. The reasoning processes are utterly dissimilar and incompatible; the former must dominate the latter, otherwise disaster will ensue. A man who is controlled by his machine is no man at all.


Misogyny and Muslims

Rape is not misogyny. It is bestial and psychopathic, the behaviour of a brute. A misogynist desires the love of a woman in his own sick way; the rapist pursues nought but hedonism.


The Necessity and Purpose of New Chivalric Orders

In preparation for the coming Dark Age, it is incumbent upon men of good character to prepare by forming Fraternal Orders dedicated to Chivalry, martial valour, and the spirit embodied by the Paladins and Templars throughout our history.