Category: Video


Podcast: To What End?

A lightning stream where we discuss good animal husbandry, and what the elites are up to with their animal husbandry. In particular we discuss the last guest-article on here, and what the right could learn from the LGBT.


Podcast: Surviving the Storm

Things are reopening for the summer, but I doubt it’s because those in charge have suddenly become sympathetic to us peasants and our blighted existence. While I certainly don’t think you should abandon your career and go live in a cave, it would be wise to have some mental preparations in place for the possibility that things might get really bad this fall. In this stream I discuss the mentality of the people around us – the psychopathy of the corporations mixed with the narcissism of the consumers – and what that means if things take a turn for the...


Podcast: Infighting Idiots

Put five of them in the same room, and they’ll immediately start attacking one another. Only ally yourself with adults who bring something to the table, and share a common vision.


Podcast: Trust No One

During fat times, acquaintances are a fine thing. But with the lean times we’re entering – not just economically, but politically and culturally – associating with people who aren’t on board with survival and loyalty can be fatal. Be careful whom you trust in your circles, because many of them will sell you out at the first opportunity.


New Video, “You’re Still Inside the Matrix”

So I’ve decided to return to my old-style content production, and the first video is up on BitChute: The current plan is a new video every Monday and Saturday (though you’ll have to cut me a bit of slack here, since BitChute doesn’t have very good scheduling tools). Rumour has it that the videos might be re-uploaded by one of my fans on YouTube, one week later… Thank all of you for your ongoing support, and if you enjoy my content, please consider hitting the ‘Donate’ button at the top!


Aurini’s Rear Guard; Censored Without A Cause – YouTube’s Kafka-esque Flagging Policies

After a series of coordinated flags, my YouTube account has been banished from the Internet. The one appeal allowed resulted in a response that I’d violated the Community Guidelines – though no specific criticism was ever explained. Welcome to the new standards of justice in the West, where you’re punished before you’re found guilty, and where you’re not even told what crime it is that you committed.


Interview, and the Regular Livestream

One Man’s Corus invited me to join him on a podcast/interview where we discussed Jordan B. Peterson, Feminism, MGTOW, and the Alt Right, as well as the direction that we’re all headed in: (And yes, I was a fan of Peterson’s before it was cool.) My regular Sunday Stream (brought to you by my Patreon backers!) will be going out at the regular time, 1700 Mtn; I’ll be going back to basics, discussing what this whole “Red Pill” self-improvement regime is supposed to be about, and how it relates to the politics that it’s grown into. And in other news,...