Category: Video


So I’m making a short film…

…and entering it into a contest to earn a grant from the Telus corporation. Short version, I need your support: Telus will be awarding 5 films with grant money, based upon which one receives the most votes.  I’m asking that you spend a minute of your time registering on their StoryHive website to vote for my film, Lust in the Time of Heartache. Long version: I think you’re going to like this film (and yes, upon completion it will be available for free online). Note: if you prefer, I’ve uploaded an 8 minute video which essentially the same as this...


Psychopaths & The Illuminati [Video]

One thing that frustrates me is how people assume that Psychopaths are amazing monster, possessed with some evil plan; they aren’t.  They’re broken pieces of clockwork.  They manage to do a lot of damage, but at their core they’re nothing but a frog’s leg hooked up to a battery.


Incentive Systems & Politics: Part 3

This is the third and final part in my response to Extra Credits’ series of videos by the same name. In Part 1 I discussed how Politics needs to be about more than just winning elections, and provided a few statistics demonstrating the overall decline of our society. In Part 2 I covered how addressing financial corruption doesn’t address the underlying problems. Now it’s time to wrap this up in Part 3. Section 5: Gerrymandering and Community Gerrymandering is the process of redrawing the boundaries of politcal districts in order to be more favourable to you or your party.  You...


Another Health Scandal Courtesy of Socialized Medicine

EDMONTON – The Wildrose party is calling on the province’s auditor general to investigate allegations that Alberta Health Services bought an estimated $10 million worth of computer equipment and left it in storage for 17 months before it was used by employees. The allegations, which were by AHS, are contained in separate letters sent to Health Minister Fred Horne and Premier Alison Redford by an unknown whistleblower. Source: The Edmonton Journal Despite having a next-to-zero calorie intake of MSM news, it seems as if I’m inundated with stories of failures in the Canadian Healthcare service.  Just a couple years ago,...


Incentive Systems & Politics: Part 2

Summary of Part 1: The goal of government should be the physical, emotional, and spiritual betterment of Man. Democracy selects for the government people want, not the government they need. Parasites find niches between the electorate and the politicians, distorting even the best incentive system. Now on with the show: Section 3: Finances and Fundraising Limiting the amount politicians are allowed to spend on campaigning would remove the distraction of having to be a continuous fundraiser; and would meant that politicians wouldn’t have to balance serving the people, and serving the people who can fuel their campaigns. They begin with...


Incentive Systems & Politics: Part 1

A Response to Extra Credits Introduction As a game designer, James can’t help but think about how broken our political system is.  And by broken, I don’t just mean it’s busted; I mean it’s broken in a Game Design sense.  The underlying rules and incentives which govern our politics are just wrong.  They’re completely out of whack. If you’re not already familiar with it, Extra Credits is a web-series focusing on the video game industry; they cover everything from the development, to the marketing, the design, the social impact, and even the different themes that games explore.  It’s a series...


Sunday Funday: Tumblr Degenerates.

What is it with Tumblr and all the broken-degenerates being attracted there?  Is it because of the way the “+1, Community Comments Only” structure feeds into their desires for a preternatural family? Regadless: check out this excellent video which a fellow from /v/ put together for your amusement. For your Enrichment: The French Revolution; the Beginning of the End.  Just the standard narrative, but extremely well done.  A great starting point – this is a Triple-A history lecture.


Reverse Racism [Video]

The argument that “Blacks can’t be racist, only those in power can be racist-” is not only anti-white, it’s anti-black as well.  It’s the sort of left-wing victim ideology which only manages to bring the Black community to deeper levels of depravity, to demand even more succour from the state. The following is a response to TJ Sotomayor, but as I’ve said before, I have no interest in YouTube debates; this is a video which stands on its own. Heavily informed by Obsidian’s writings at Just Four Guys. Click the video to subscribe to my YouTube channel. A response to...

The Crusades and investing in Silver 4

The Crusades and investing in Silver

A couple of videos I wanted to share with you guys. The first is an excellent video about the Crusades, from a Historian whose YouTube channel focusses entirely on the Crusades. You’ll often hear the Atheistkultist go on about how the Crusades prove that religion is violent, and it needs to be eliminated… unlike Atheist regimes like Pol Pot, for instance (Holodomor? Never heard of it!).  It seems that Atheistkult is utterly unable to distinguish one ideology from another; believing in anything is bad, they say, and all ideologies are equally damning.  So they believe in the John Lennon “Imagine”...