My Collected Writings on history, science fiction, philosophy, and women.


The Latest Spate of Islamic Terror Attacks

The regularity of Islamic Terrorist Attacks is putting them on par with auto accidents, and yet they serve as a wake-up call for just how fragile our civilization actually is.


An Introduction to the Alt Right

Is the Alt Right as scary as Hillary Clinton makes it sound? Or is it a diverse movement of intellectuals, blue collar workers, and internet jokers who are simply sick of the status quo? While I can only speak for myself, I’ve been a member of the Alternative Right since before the term was coined, and I’ll try and do my best to explain it to you.


How Society’s Harridans And Succubis Are Crushing Masculinity

John C. Wright—the full-time science fiction author and part-time theologian—once noted that heresies often come in pairs. His focus was on church heresies of the first millennium, but it is no less true today. For every foolish idea, there almost always arises an equal and opposite form of foolishness, and despite their apparent opposition they ultimately wind up working together to oppose the truth.