The following Ten Commandments for Atheists has been popping up on the Internet for the past couple of days, and since I’m stuck waiting on a rendering video, I figured I’d give them a quick deconstruction.
Before I begin, my stance on the whole New Atheist movement: it can be summed up as “So you figured out there’s no god? Good for you. Have a cookie.” I typically refer to the hardline adherents as ‘Atheistkult’, as I find them to be naive and arrogant, no better than the ignorant hordes thumping “Muh Bible!” This isn’t a sweeping condemnation of all Atheists (or Southern Baptists, for that matter), just the noisiest and most poorly read of the group.
If you ask most denizens of the Manosphere, they’ll describe AVfM as nothing more than “Feminism for men” (meanwhile, the MHRM would probably describe the Manosphere as “Nothing but a bunch of guys trying to get laid”). These are both gross mischaracterizations.
On December 9th, 2014, the Democrats of the Senate Intelligence Committee published a report of the torture methods employed by the CIA during the War on Terror over the past decade, methods that were authorized under Bush, and carried on under Obama. My reaction can be broken down into three categories: the morality, the tactics, and the context. Let’s take these one by one.
The fact that women are selfish enough to argue Feminism in the first place is the very proof that they are too morally immature to be treated as equals.
Even Beethoven didn’t write his first great symphony until he was in his 30s, and music is the sort of endeavour which can be focused on exclusively, it doesn’t require a breadth of life experience – just a lot of time. Politics, meanwhile, demands a wide set of experiences, a familiarity with the human condition, an awareness of your own dark nature, and a broad understanding of the various philosophies and ideologies which govern human society. There are no savants in politics; and for a teenager to be awarded this medal demeans the medal, as well as the recipient.
The issue is not whether or not Miss Sarkeesian fabricated anything – the issue is that game journalism, as well as mainstream journalism, took her at face value and never investigated her claims.
The San Francisco PD would like to know to whom Sarkeesian made the report about the death threats she’s been receiving; they deny ignoring her, as she claims.
The enemies of civilization only argue to create distractions. They have no honesty or integrity to their words, they’re numb to beauty, and whenever possible they resort to underhanded personal attacks. They sow the seeds of discord wherever they go, and when we fight amongst ourselves we’re doing their own work for them.
Hope is frightening; it implies the potential for failure. Hope is demanding; it provides an objective to work towards. Hope is humbling; it makes you realize that your own weaknesses are your worst enemy. Living without Hope leads to failure, but it’s a comforting sort of failure. It’s the root of all addiction.
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Leo M.J. Aurini
Professionally a Bachelor of History, a Bachelor of Geographic Information Systems, and a Canadian Forces Infantry Veteran.
I write science fiction, play the saxophone, study philosophy and psychology, have dabbled in film making, and am a faithful member of the Catholic Church. Politically speaking, I'm a Red Tory and a Monarchist; my views are often heterodox to the mainstream opinion.
I'm also a strong believer in wearing hats for any occasion.
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