My Collected Writings on history, science fiction, philosophy, and women.


Sunday Funday: Tumblr Degenerates.

What is it with Tumblr and all the broken-degenerates being attracted there?  Is it because of the way the “+1, Community Comments Only” structure feeds into their desires for a preternatural family? Regadless: check out this excellent video which a fellow from /v/ put together for your amusement. For your Enrichment: The French Revolution; the Beginning of the End.  Just the standard narrative, but extremely well done.  A great starting point – this is a Triple-A history lecture.


Leadership and Dominance

It seems that, lately, whenever I try and write about relationship dynamics and power structures, I keep going back to romantic involvements – even though what I’m trying to address are principles which are fundamental to human behaviour in general, not just our sexual natures. A product of our times, I suppose: romantic relationships are one of the few areas where freedom is still allowed.  The War of the Sexes doesn’t have any sort of Geneva Convention, just nuclear armaments on the side of the women.  Contrast to the rest of the social world – school, work, socializing – where...


Living With Snake Eyes

Snake Eyes: what a beautiful way of putting it.  I stole the term from that unrepentant Truth Teller Wimminz because it perfectly sums up one of the harshest moral lessons you can learn, a lesson so harsh that most people mistake it for immorality: the Scorched Earth strategy. This desperate but effectual method of defence can only be executed by the enthusiasm of a people who prefer their independence to their property; or by the rigor of an arbitrary government, which consults the public safety without submitting to their inclinations the liberty of choice.” ~Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall...


The Hydra’s Eternal Rebellion

One of the challenges of writing about Feminists, Leftist, and Degenerates is how incredibly vulgar they are.  Tell me, does the following paragraph belong in political discourse? A female Voina activist nicknamed “Vacuous Cunt With Inconceivably Huge Tits” removed a chicken from the refrigerated section of the supermarket, then laboriously stuffed the entire chicken into her own vagina, while being filmed by other Voina members. She then shoplifted the chicken by leaving the supermarket without paying, with the chicken still inserted, and rejoined protesters outside the store. The correct answer is “Yes, but it shouldn’t.” It offends my sensibilities (as...


Reverse Racism [Video]

The argument that “Blacks can’t be racist, only those in power can be racist-” is not only anti-white, it’s anti-black as well.  It’s the sort of left-wing victim ideology which only manages to bring the Black community to deeper levels of depravity, to demand even more succour from the state. The following is a response to TJ Sotomayor, but as I’ve said before, I have no interest in YouTube debates; this is a video which stands on its own. Heavily informed by Obsidian’s writings at Just Four Guys. Click the video to subscribe to my YouTube channel. A response to...


Women Can Age Beautifully (Solomon II’s Lost Blog)

Lovingly archived by the men at Return of Kings: Women can age beautifully, you know. Uh oh. That sermon we expected earlier was about to be delivered. Let me tell you boys something. I don’t take back anything I said about you guys running around with these little girls, since that’s evidently all that’s available these days. But there’s no reason for you to disrespect my wife. Sorry, we didn’t mean to be disrespectful to… Shut up. Both of you. Yes sir. Listen to me. A good woman ages beautifully. When I look at my wife, I see the most...


Leadership, Submission, and the Neoreactionary Social Order

The two terms which best describe our Modernist-Liberal age are ‘rebellion’ and ‘inversion’; the most obvious example of this is the breakdown of healthy sexual relationships, thanks to the rejection of traditional values, not just by society, but also by many of the churches; Dalrock and Sunshine Mary explore this thoroughly.  But as important as sex is (not only does it perpetuate the species, it’s also our number one raison d’être, after all) our inversions and rebellions go far deeper than just the advocacy of feminism and promiscuity.  In fact, the foundational mythos of our civilization has become an over-turning...


Why You Should Never Date a Girl With an Eating Disorder

By now I’m sure that you’ve all heard about the drama surrounding Tuthmosis’ post 5 Reasons to Date a Girl With an Eating Disorder on Return of Kings – if you haven’t, just scroll down to the comments.  HuffPo stumbled upon it, completely missed the satire, and thousands of self-entitled College girls decided that the appropriate response would be to start making death threats. The opposite of Love isn’t Indifference, I guess, it’s Hate. But the comments got me thinking: “Eating Disorders” – are they actually a thing?  Because I’m confident that they are not – at least, not in...


Is Feminism on the Decline?

W.F. Price and Audacious Epigone recently posted a graph from Google Engrams which seems to suggest a that the prevalence of Feminism in newly printed material has been declining since the nineties.  Many of the commenters noted that while the word Feminism might be declining, that might be due to the fact that so many Feminist tropes have become accepted as part of the mainstream; for instance, let’s consider the words “feminist” and “Women’s Suffrage”: Although Women’s Suffrage and Feminism are connected at the hip ideologically, we see an initial divergence – Women’s Suffrage was almost four times more popular...


The Strategy Guide to Life

Bold and Determined recently celebrated its 3 year anniversary; I decided to send Victor my well-wishes by channelling some of his “No apologetics, no excuses” brand of possitivity in the following article. Forget for the moment about the economy; forget for the moment about the historical cycles.  Remember, instead, that every generation of Men has had its own set of challenges to confront, and its own obstacles to overcome.  This is precisely what Dickens meant in the opening chapter of his novel A Tale of Two Cities: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it...