My Collected Writings on history, science fiction, philosophy, and women.

The Corporate Boyfriend – A Testimony 23

The Corporate Boyfriend – A Testimony

A while back I posted a video titled “The Corporate Boyfriend” in which I described the manipulative, addictive nature that many corporate jobs hold for women.  So often we hear Empowered Young Feminists talking about how much they “love their jobs.” As Men, we interpret this in the same manner that we use it: “My job is tolerable, mildly interesting, not overly demeaning, and they pay’s alright.” Men don’t enjoy working for its own sake; it’s a means to an end for us.  Aside from a lucky few, we work to live, we don’t live to work. However, when women...

Dealing with the Devil 7

Dealing with the Devil

A vile an ugly man has died today; Senator Frank Lautenberg of NJ.  I won’t mourn the passing of someone who used emotive prevarications to benefit himself at the expense of others; good riddance to this bad rubbish. “Isn’t calling a man Evil pretty extreme?” I hear the voices in the peanut gallery ask, “Can you truly know what Evil lurks in the heart of men?  Or does only the Shadow know?” I may not know what cruelties Lautenberg suffered as a child at the hands of his parents; I can only half-imagine the trauma of being an impoverished Polish-Jew,...

Meditations Upon Psychohistory: “Whispering Leaves” by Cesar Tort, Part 1 7

Meditations Upon Psychohistory: “Whispering Leaves” by Cesar Tort, Part 1

Children have been the garbage bin where the adults dump the unrecognized parts of their psyches. It is expected that the child-garbage bin absorbs the ill moods of her custodians to prevent that the adult feels overwhelmed by her anxieties. If I kill the soul of my daughter I thus kill the naughty girl that once inhabited me. ~El Retor no de Quetzalcoatl, English Translation, (Pages 415-610 of Hojas Susur rantes) by Cesar Tort Not to be confused with the fictional Psychohistory of Asimov’s Foundation novels. Introduction Some time back I thought about writing a post on the moral imperative...

The Right Continues to be Right 5

The Right Continues to be Right

So I noticed this article making its way around Facebook – Obama admits that he’s a socialist. Obama himself, the Times explained, has been “longingly” telling his inner circle that what he’d really like to do is what Sen. Jay Bulworth, played by Warren Beatty in his 1998 movie “Bulworth,” did: to go public as an unabashed, angry and admitted socialist. No surprise here – and yet, I seem to remember a lot of Liberal snark going around when Republicans, Libertarians, Tea Baggers, and Professional Bloggers pointed this out some time ago: Quite frankly, this is just another data point...

Logos and Agape: Civilization’s Foundational Theology 11

Logos and Agape: Civilization’s Foundational Theology

Theology: to most of us who’ve suffered from a modern Education it sounds like “Philosophy for the superstitious.” In reality it’s far more than that.  Theology isn’t some discipline intended only for the musings of celibate priests, any more than Economic Theory is something that only Professional Econometricians ought to understand – it’s so foundational that not only do our morals derive from it, but so too the very heuristics by which we judge morality in the first place. Quite frankly, it’s Theology that makes up the ideological DNA of all Memetics. Throughout the Manosphere and the Alt-Right there is...