My Collected Writings on history, science fiction, philosophy, and women.
Yes, Politics is Interesting – believe me, I get it. There’s nothing inherently wrong with being a political junkie. After all, some men like fishing; others like fowling. Some men just like to hear the voice off the teleprompter roaring. And I’m just as bad as the worst of them. But as captivating as it might be – watching their deft manipulation of the public, trying to spot the strings of the special interest groups, gambling on whom the Average Bear will choose – I know not to take it seriously. Not that it isn’t serious, mind you – it’s...
Cultural Marxism is one of those terms that gets thrown around a lot, and like all such terms it tends to suffer from Adaptive Decay. It therefore behooves me to write a Brief History on what the term really means. We start with Trotsky and the New Soviet Man. Communism in practice is a centralized bureaucracy with sufficient guns to carry out its plans. They – the educated, chosen elite – unabashedly claim the Wisdom to direct all individual behaviour. Their Scholarship, you see, has granted them Greater Insight into the human condition than any Priest could ever dream of. ...
You readers are a fairly Astute Bunch, so I trust that most of you are blissfully unaware of the current feel-good idiocy making its rounds on FaceBook. Your humble scribe would have remained just as ignorant, if not for a bout of insomnia that sent him over to 4chan last night, in a search for New Memes. It seems the /b/tards are all worked up over a new Activist Organization which looks like an Election Campaign. Allow me to introduce you to Kony 2012: First: a little bit of background. Joseph Kony is your run-of-the-mill African Warlord. He rapes women...
Is this any greater compliment than being recognized for who and what you really are? Maybe not for a Narcissist – their personalities are imaginary, their true core is uglier than a Dalek outside of its shell – but for any real human being, it’s the exact sort of validation we seek. It was a great compliment when The Alpha Persona described me as “The quintessential sigma.” From his scale: Sigma: The outsider who doesn’t play the social game and manage to win at it anyhow. I’ve found that sigmas and Alphas usually work out to be excellent friends because...
From the eminent Dalrock: I’ll pose the same question back to Ms. Duffy and the commenters who are troubled by the fact that people are angry with the gross injustice which is being done to men, children, and the very institution of marriage: Why don’t you care? Why aren’t you angry? Anger is an entirely healthy response to gross injustice. Apathy on the other hand is an indication of a profound inability to feel empathy, perhaps even masking a strong level of personal investment in maintaining the injustice itself. It’s impossible for me to read something like that without reflecting...
I don’t know why bullying’s been in the media for the past few months; if it were because of a specific suicide, or a rash of suicides, I’m sure I would of heard of it. Instead the conversation has lacked context, as if it had sprung up ex-nihilo into the minds of journalists and AM radio hosts alike. There’s no recently-marketed study they all reference, and there’s no particular politician they grill. It really does seem to be a Grass Roots sorta thing. Which I take as Proof Positive that it was Astro Turfed. I know that if I look...
Is there really any doubt of it? Here’s the thing, folks; you and I aren’t the only ones noticing that things are getting Weird. The ole’ job market ain’t what she used to be, moving from production to busy work. Culture’s become flash-in-the-plan filth blasted at us with autotune. A first world military with robots in its ranks is losing to camel fuckers, and despised abroad and at home. The diaspora of Internet Media has torn up all but the last bastions of cultural reference points such as the Super Bowl, which – as we all know – is really...
The other day – Good God, has it been three weeks already? – I wrote what was probably the worst post I’ve ever tossed up on this blog. It was utter speculative nonsense, with no solid bases in Historical Fact, I made no real attempt to cite anything in it, and despite it’s High Probability of Truth it’s nothing to be proud of. But you see, I had an ulterior motive in posting it; I am now going to use it as a vehicle to point out the intellectual paucity of most Historians. *** Back in the day, I made...
Occasionally I like to share my YouTube channel on here. Be warned, twenty minutes – but I think you’ll like it.
So the other night I was sitting in the dark, drinking my whiskey, rocking out to some Lynyrd Skynyrd, and just generally letting the thoughts bounce around my head, when something struck me- In the past two-hundred years, I can’t think of a single inter-state war that accomplished anything. On and off, I’ve been brushing up on my history with the Khan Academy – a site hosting professional University lectures, which I highly recommend (though, like University itself, you should take them with a grain of salt). I’ve been going through the lectures on the French Revolution, and that’s what...
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