My Collected Writings on history, science fiction, philosophy, and women.
Trivial Pursuits
I hope all you folks out there had a good holiday season, however you celebrated – burning Yule Logs, decorating trees, yelling at uncles – I trust it went well with you. Me, I spent it in my own traditional manner: sitting alone, in the dark, drinking red wine and absinthe, until midnight rolled around at which point I went out on my balcony to projectile-vomit my Christmas Cheer down onto the streets of this miserable city. After that, I lay on the floor for a while, reminiscing of Christmases Past, while trying to focus both eyes on what may...
Science Fiction and Fantasy: They Don’t Mix Well
A recent Freelance project got me thinking on this topic. And since it’s the holiday season, let’s talk about something non-awful for a change. I’ve been a scion of Science Fiction since childhood, and during moments where I’m feeling particularly iniquitous I’m apt to say it’s the only genre left where there’s room to create Art; Clint Eastwood tapped the last of the Western stories waiting to be told, and I think Shakespeare pretty much covered everything else. But that’s just my own prejudice, and it’s not what I’m going to write about today. Instead I want to talk about...
The Tribulations of a Journalist
A couple of articles popped up on my Digg feed today. I can barely contain the Rage I am currently feeling. Julian Assange, a Heroic Truth Speaker from another era (Lord Knows this generation doesn’t deserve him), went to jail today, accused of a crime he didn’t commit. He recently had his assets frozen and has been denied bail. The British Judge involved had the gall to say that his arrest had nothing to do with Wikileaks. Christ in a Cup, this is how the Masters rule – chumps like this Judge who are just Following Orders. They convince us...
So the other day I had the pleasure of speaking to a True Savage. He came from a country recognized as the ‘Second least failed state in Africa’ and the 53rd-least-failed worldwide; up until now I didn’t even realize that there was a list of ‘least failed states’, but it’s an interesting fact to know, ain’t it? The reason I bring it up is to establish that this man’s countrymen are not Savages – 53rd ain’t great, but it ain’t awful, either – his primitive views are entirely his own, a matter of his own poisonous neurology. “So tell me,”...
Gender, Rape, and Equality
Today I want to talk about Rape. In particular, I want to talk about false accusations. The reason I want to talk about this is because it’s not a gender issue. It’s not a Men’s issue. It’s not a Women’s issue. It’s a People’s issue. Obviously I’m going to talk about Feminists (what with them being traitors to their own stated cause, and all), but since I’m an equal opportunity Hater, let’s start with their kilt-wearing counterparts: the Men’s Rights movement. The MRM is generally a Cause for Good, but they’re no more ‘perfect’ than any other loose association of...
What’s wrong with this society?
I’ll tell you what’s wrong with it: a little known film called Dirty Harry. For those of you lucky enough (or young enough) never to have heard of this cinematic abortion, let me sketch out the plot. First off, credit where credit’s due: Dirty Harry’s a badass cop who follows his own rules, and doesn’t afraid of anything. I know what you’re thinking. “Did he fire six shots or only five?” Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in...
The Dream
This morning I woke from a beautiful dream. She stood there before me, exactly as I remembered her: smart, beautiful, aggressive, and playful. There was no background, just darkness, but we were lit by a warm, orange light. She smiled, that old half-cocked grin, as we held eachother as if pausing in a dance. It was the most intensely real experience I’ve ever had. She asked me to give her a child. We came together and made love. It was abstract and timeless, our bodies flowing together under the curve of the Goldent Ratio. A subdued passion. I could feel...
The Dark Arts – Preamble
Once upon a time I was working for a charity – a major charity – going door-to-door to raise money while pretending it wasn’t sales. This story happened on my last day working there. I didn’t know that at the time; I wouldn’t find out until the following morning when my boss called me up to fire me, but I knew it was coming. For weeks I’d been fed up with the job, milking it for the last few dollars I could pull out, hating every minute of it but needing the money. The Sudden Career Readjustment would come as...
I tell you, taking the long-view is what makes the difference between us and the lower-classes. Impulse Control; that what differentiates the CEO from the Day Labourer, taking piss tests to keep his job. We got a system in place that makes slaves out of people ’cause of their brains chemical make-up, consigning them to a life of servitude because of one dumb mistake that we all made, as well… That said, it’s hard to take the long view when day-to-day life is kicking you hard enough in the nuts. I’ve got some updates coming, but in the meantime I...
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