So let me tell you about Google. If there’s anything that history should have taught us, it’s that the silver-tongued holier-than-thou talking heads have always had it in for the common man. Their professions of ‘Goodness’ ought to be your first clue. (As for me – I’m a hateful alcoholic, who laughs at crying children, cheers at cop funerals, and regularly flips off old ladies in traffic. You can trust me.) Now folks, let me ask you something; let’s say that you have a new neighbour move in next door. He happens to be wearing a shirt that says “I...
I gotta say, I’m becoming increasingly suspicious of the Simulation Hypothesis. For those of you unfamiliar, it basically boils down to this. The idea is, you calculate the numbers – what is the probability of you ACTUALLY being born in this era? In this particularly exciting life (compared to those poor fuckers in Africa, that is – results may vary)? Have you ever won the lottery? Sorry, numbers say that never happens, not in the length of this Universe; winning the lottery pretty much guarantees that you’re a simulation operated by a super-computer who’s trying to figure out “Why 42?”...
A long time ago, in another lifetime perhaps, I remember being tasked with the Leading of Young Soldiers. Hard work, dedication, discipline; all of those were important parts of the military ethos which I tried to instill in them. But above all of them, more important by far, I wanted each and every one of them to be a Low Maintenance Troop. There’s an old saying in the army: “Solve it at the lowest level!” It’s usually offered up as a rebuke to some hapless Private, who in terror of all things brass just asked his section commander whether he...
I’ve pointed it out before; it’s usually the people who claim to be the most moralistic/progressive/unprejudiced who are the worst offenders. No surprise really. Anyone making a big stink about discrimination is probably doing so to cover up the knobby, bigoted cherry-pit they have instead of a heart. But a recent post by Katja Grace got me thinking about feminism specifically and why it irritates me more than having an aroused ferret shoved down my pants. She comments on some of the ‘pro-women’ statements she’s seen in the past: Some examples from the advertising and equity policies of various academic...
“But if Evolution were true, wouldn’t that imply Moral Nihilism?” The guy saying this wasn’t stupid by any means; quite the opposite, actually. He was one of those rare people who actually use religion to become a better person, not just as an excuse for moral complacency. If he could’ve just learned to buy his own packs of cigarettes, I’d of been proud to call him a friend. His understanding of Evolution thought… As Eliezer Yudkowsky, Chief Cenobite of the Bayesian Conspiracy, once pointed out Evolution is a force best compared to the blind idiot-god Azathoth from the Cthulu Mythos;...
So today on the C-Train I met a guy who was fresh out of prison, for failing to produce a valid token to the Train Cops. “Nice boots,” he said, after sitting down next to me. “Looks like they’re good for riding.” “Thanks, that what I use them for.” I said, eyeing him up. There was something nervous and juvenile looking about him – though I guessed his age to be somewhere in the late twenties. Part of it was the baseball cap, but there was something about his posture. He fidgeted a bit as the conversation died down, then...
I don’t got much to add to this – better folks than I have gone on at length. For a good aggregate site, go here: I found the link through Peter Schiff’s youtube channel, and I’m currently watching an old 1990 news program from there, on BPs culpability in the Exxon Valdez disaster. All I’ve got to say is this:
My father once said to me, “Son… I’ve always had a strong sense of Justice. And I think that you have that too.” He was right. But when you care about Justice, you’re forced to seek after something more, something indispensable to it. Before you can find Justice, you need to find Truth. I’ve always believed in an Objective Reality. That outside of oneself, things are the way they are, without regard for our beliefs or opinions. And that the first step in achieving Grace, or Honour, or Nobility, or whatever you want to call it, is to go out...
Imagine a bunch of Doctor Caricatures – giant heads, reflector and stethescopes strapped on, and black shiny boots – they’re jabbering wildly with pointed teeth, smiling and promising that they’re here to help while they stick sharp needles in your belly– That’s what it feels like when you read the Ontario Human Rights Commission‘s website. For those of you still under the delusion that you live in a free country, the Human Rights Commissions are a group of government run secret courts where the presumption is guilt until you can prove innocence. They’re premised on the Third-Wave-Feminist concept of Institutional...
A good friend of mine Lino D, Conservative most of his life, has recently grown disillusioned with their politics and begun to turn to a more Federalist philosophy. He’s started up a blog on issues in Canadian Governance, which I will be writing for. I just tossed up my first article today concerning the problems with newspaper nowadays, how it’s more about sloganeering than reporting. Go check it out here. And for the Patriots among you who like desktop backgrounds, he tossed this little image together (left-click for the full size version).
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Leo M.J. Aurini
Professionally a Bachelor of History, a Bachelor of Geographic Information Systems, and a Canadian Forces Infantry Veteran.
I write science fiction, play the saxophone, study philosophy and psychology, have dabbled in film making, and am a faithful member of the Catholic Church. Politically speaking, I'm a Red Tory and a Monarchist; my views are often heterodox to the mainstream opinion.
I'm also a strong believer in wearing hats for any occasion.
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