My Collected Writings on history, science fiction, philosophy, and women.


Calvinism, Materialism, and Determinism are Demonstrably False

John Calvin wasn’t a terrible man. In fact, as far as men go, he was one of the better ones, which is really saying something given that he was French. He was, however, a terrible philosopher; and while his religious work did much to amend the excesses of early Protestantism during his own era, the legacy he left behind was the noxious theology of Calvinism. What Calvinism attempts to accomplish – like all religion – is to resolve the impossibility of finite man encountering an infinite of God. Unfortunately, it does this poorly. It starts by noting an apparent contradiction...


The First Christmas Present: The True Story of Santa Claus

Gather around, kids. How old are you? Wow, you’re getting big, aren’t you? Do you think you’re old enough to hear the real story of Santa Claus? Well, alright then. Does anyone here know Santa Claus’s real name? That’s right, it’s Saint Nicholas. Saint Nicholas of Myra – he used to be the Archbishop of Constantinople, a long, long time ago. Sixteen-hundred years. He was the guy that made sure all the priests were doing their jobs, and rumour had it that he knew everybody in his city by their first name. Can you imagine knowing everybody in Calgary? Pretty...


Streaming tonight on Millenniyule

I’ll be joining my old friend Millennial Woes tonight at 1900 Mtn Time (-7 GMT) – show times listed here (they should update to your local time): Tune in on his YouTube channel:


Family is Something You Earn

With American Thanksgiving upon us, I can’t help reflecting on my own family – my parents, my siblings, nephews and nieces. It hasn’t always been easy for us. My parents divorced in the early nineties – I understand why it happened, but I can’t help feeling that things might have gone differently if we’d been living in a society that supported marriage, and if we hadn’t been hit so hard financially during those years. Between me and my siblings we’ve had some pretty major disagreements – even stopped speaking for extended periods of time. But last month, on Canadian Thanksgiving,...


Matt Groening’s Disenchantment: Why Isn’t It More Enchanting?

Disenchantment is the latest foray into animated comedy by Matt Groening, the mind behind The Simpsons and Futurama. It follows the adventures of Princess Tiabeanie – “Bean” – along with her companions Elfo the Elf, and her personal demon Luci – in the medieval fantasy world of Dreamland. It shows off Groening’s adaptability in many ways, such as its serialization – its ongoing story, something he experimented with in Futurama, and enabled by modern streaming services – the intricacies of events were clearly plotted out well in advance.  The art, while classically Groening, likewise advances and adapts to the medium....


The New Direction of my Work

Like many of you I’ve spent a lot of the past year reflecting upon my life, looking back on my failures and successes. Re-evaluating them from different perspectives, to see if any of it made sense. Questioning what I was doing with my online presence – even whether I should keep doing it at all. After years of dealing with Internet “personalities”, quitting sounded like a fantastic idea. Ultimately I decided to stay – but I can no longer behave haphazardly as I did in the past. My writing and content needs a direction, one which is beginning to crystallize...


Privilege Theory, the Politics of Envy, and the Bell Curve: Searching for Problems Instead of Looking for Answers

Several years back a company by the name of Canadian Tire – a weird amalgamation of Rona and Walmart, native to the frozen north – had an ad campaign which used the slogan “Where you end up has a lot to do with where you start.” I suppose this was meant to be inspirational, but it also contains a harsh reality: that the circumstances of your birth are going to have a lot of influence on where you go in life. The popular mythos of America claims otherwise – that Capitalism and Democracy are merit based, and that a middle-class...


New Video, “You’re Still Inside the Matrix”

So I’ve decided to return to my old-style content production, and the first video is up on BitChute: The current plan is a new video every Monday and Saturday (though you’ll have to cut me a bit of slack here, since BitChute doesn’t have very good scheduling tools). Rumour has it that the videos might be re-uploaded by one of my fans on YouTube, one week later… Thank all of you for your ongoing support, and if you enjoy my content, please consider hitting the ‘Donate’ button at the top!


Oilfields of the World

I’m working on a project for a friend, and this was one of the products – it’s pretty interesting from a geopolitical perspective, so I thought I’d share it with all of you.