Tagged: christianity


They’re Down Here For Our Souls

A guest post by Blato Oh DeannaSweet DeannaWell, I ain’t down here for your moneyI ain’t down here for your loveI ain’t down here for your love of moneyI’m down here for your soul The above chorus is from a Nick Cave song entitled, Deanna.  Cave describes the song as a sort of ‘devil at the crossroads’ song.  The song is inspired by a childhood friend of his who had an abusive father.  Given that they were eight at the time, it’s not hard to fill in the blanks of what the song is about.  Children don’t think with subtly. ...


Book Review: “Dominion: How the Christian Revolution Remade the World”

This book was the first time I’d heard of Tom Holland – in fact, it was a request from a reader who offered to purchase it for me, and toss a few coins in the hat to boot (thanks, brother). He didn’t pay me for a glowing review, however, which is what you’re about to read. To put it simply, if you want to understand European history – or religion – or modern politics – or the nature of the existential question which we’re still dealing with today – I recommend that you pick yourself up a copy. Holland starts...


Calvinism, Materialism, and Determinism are Demonstrably False

John Calvin wasn’t a terrible man. In fact, as far as men go, he was one of the better ones, which is really saying something given that he was French. He was, however, a terrible philosopher; and while his religious work did much to amend the excesses of early Protestantism during his own era, the legacy he left behind was the noxious theology of Calvinism. What Calvinism attempts to accomplish – like all religion – is to resolve the impossibility of finite man encountering an infinite of God. Unfortunately, it does this poorly. It starts by noting an apparent contradiction...


The Necessity and Purpose of New Chivalric Orders

In preparation for the coming Dark Age, it is incumbent upon men of good character to prepare by forming Fraternal Orders dedicated to Chivalry, martial valour, and the spirit embodied by the Paladins and Templars throughout our history.


Feminism and the Serpent

The serpent doesn’t have a preference of either sex, it merely wants to blaspheme Truth, Beauty, and God’s creation, and Feminists – disciples of this serpent – seek out the same thing,


Fireproof (2008): Unpacking the Feminism [Video]

Fireproof is a 2008 film which tries to put out a positive, pro-marriage message. While it has some good elements, it ultimately fails because of the attitude of “Women are Wonderful and can do no wrong”. It winds up flipping the principles of Christian marriage on their head, and serves as a guideline for setting yourself up for divorce.