Tagged: Decline


Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age by Fr. Seraphim

Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age by Eugene (Fr. Seraphim) Rose This will not be a typical book review.  Were it a normal review, I’d tell you what the book was about, I’d select a few quotations from it, and then recommend that you purchase it for yourself.  This will be far more extensive than that; in fact, what you’re about to read are my edited notes on the work.  Were I to write this way about a self-help book, I could justly be accused of plagiarism – of giving away all their core ideas.  But...


Congratulations #Metoo…You’ve Made Women Employees Radioactive

The following was posted anonymously on LinkedIn, on June 10th, and it’s been growing in popularity since then. Earlier this afternoon it was taken down, and not even the Wayback Machine has a record of it. Welcome to modern Internet censorship. The article reads as true – the #MeToo movement might just be undoing all of the damage that Affirmative Action and HR Harassment Firings have done to men’s ability to work, and perhaps we’ll be returning to a proper, Godly ordering of things where men can bring home the bacon, and trust their wives to stay home to support the household. One can hope. It gives a whole new meaning to the phrase “Ban Bossy”, heh.


Identity Politics is a False Idol

Identity Politics is a modern belief system, and modern belief systems are nothing but cheap, plastic knock-offs of true culture. By embracing an identity without knowing your identity, you’re doing nothing more than contributing to the problem.


Inheritance: Wretched 20th Century Generations

To understand the Baby Boomers, you must understand where they came from. Assigning blame does nothing, without an understanding of how the blame-worthy came to be who they are. In other words; Hirsch explains the failures of the Greatest Generation in this article.


The Right Wins Every Battle, But Loses the War

Whenever the left wins a battle, they win a victory. Whenever the right wins a battle, the left walks away with a victory. The Catch-22 of fighting the left is that the left always wins, drifting in Cthulu’s wake. Why is it that we keep winning every battle but losing the war?