Tagged: Decline


Corporations, United Airlines, and the Open-Air Prison Planet

The violent removal of Dr David Dao from United Airlines flight 3411 is but another example of the creeping anarcho-tyranny taking over our society, the sick marriage between corporations and governments, where the top-down, unaccountable dictates of lawyers and EULAs are backed up by violent force.


YouTube Censorship, and the Logic of Empire

Companies and governments stay in power by empowering the lowest common denominator, but the result is a trashy, second-rate world full of third-rate people. They rule over empires of dirt, rather than cohabiting with virtuous and engaging fellow humans. Everybody’s miserable, and society is decaying, but at least the logic of it all remains consistent.


Laramie Hirsch on a Return to Catholic Monarchy

Laramie Hirsch has an interesting series of posts on returning to a Catholic Monarchy.  I’ll refrain from any major commentary at the present time, but I heartily recommend that you give it a read.  For now, I’ll just say that his arguments are in alignment with what I’ve been saying about the necessity of an upward pull for civilization, and we Catholics ought to be setting the example.  We must double-down on living a Godly life. The Kingdom of Católica America The Kingdom of Católica America: Part 2 The Kingdom of Católica America: Part 3 The Kingdom of Católica America...