Tagged: Democracy


Identity Politics is a False Idol

Identity Politics is a modern belief system, and modern belief systems are nothing but cheap, plastic knock-offs of true culture. By embracing an identity without knowing your identity, you’re doing nothing more than contributing to the problem.

Democracy Will Fail You

Democracy Will Fail You

Yes, Politics is Interesting – believe me, I get it. There’s nothing inherently wrong with being a political junkie. After all, some men like fishing; others like fowling. Some men just like to hear the voice off the teleprompter roaring. And I’m just as bad as the worst of them. But as captivating as it might be – watching their deft manipulation of the public, trying to spot the strings of the special interest groups, gambling on whom the Average Bear will choose – I know not to take it seriously. Not that it isn’t serious, mind you – it’s...