Tagged: Feminism

Real Catholicism 5

Real Catholicism

If the Catholic Church actually looked like this, I think a lot more of us Manosphere Atheists would be calling ourselves Christian… Full text here. For the record: a female-type Baby Boomer linked me to the following article. Radical feminism dressed itself up as the noble sounding goal of equality .. but what it REALLY sought was sameness .. as in no distinction between the genders. So now .. thirty years later and counting .. what we have is a female population that is not only as crude and sexually exploitive as their male counterparts .. with no idea of...

The Past Just Ain’t What it Used to Be. 5

The Past Just Ain’t What it Used to Be.

The Root Cause of Feminism One of the things that really stands out about Reactionaries – whether you’re talking about Wagner, Stoddard, or Mencken – is their ability to be downright prescient about the future.  Where areas most predictions are based upon of self-serving and unsubstantiated political faiths, the True Reactionary makes a Mistress out of truth. Nowhere is this more obvious than with the anti-suffragettes. All of the problems with feminism which we articulate in the Manosphere today were thoroughly delineated by Reactionary writers a century back: The foolishness of women voters (“sexy” presidents and socialism) Dropping birthrates Old...

We’re Going International 1

We’re Going International

A conversation between myself and the Observer Watches, a man from Singapore who’s doing his best to enjoy the decline.  Everywhere you look around the globe you see the same effects, from different proximate causes.

Game & Chivalry 3

Game & Chivalry

Buy my book: http://www.amazon.com/Walk-These-Broken-Roads-Volume/dp/1480121827 Follow my Twitter: http://twitter.com/Aurini The Rawness on Neil Strauss: http://therawness.com/reader-letters-1-part-4-1/ How a woman can compete against sluts: http://judgybitch.com/2012/11/12/sluts-lower-the-value-of-all-women-heres-how-to-compete-with-them/ Blogs about Game: http://www.thealphapersona.com https://heartiste.wordpress.com/ http://www.rooshv.com http://theprivateman.wordpress.com/

Gresham’s Law: It Also Applies to Sex and Culture 4

Gresham’s Law: It Also Applies to Sex and Culture

Folks, this is giong to be an argument about how degenerate culture drives out civilized culture, but we’re going to have to start this one off with some economic definitions; links to Wikipedia if I go too fast, but I think you’ll be able to keep up; so let’s jump into it: ͼ-Ѻ-ͽ 1. Gresham’s Law: “When a government compulsorily overvalues one type of money and undervalues another, the undervalued money will leave the country or disappear from circulation into hoards, while the overvalued money will flood into circulation.” The best examples involve either devaluing the coinage, or failing to...

A Culture of Death 6

A Culture of Death

My mother sat there weeping silent tears, as I thought about those twenty families who’ll never again be able to celebrate Christmas. 26 dead at Sandy Hook Elementary School; 25 murders and 1 suicide at the hands of Adam Lanza. “One of your Facebook friends,” she said, wiping her eyes, “said that you ought to write something about it.” “I should,” I replied; except hpx83 over at Save Capitalism had already beat me to it: What is ghastly about this events is not the number of dead. Hurricane Katrina was ghastly too, but not in the same way. The reason...

Advice for Young Women 0

Advice for Young Women

How to Glamourize Your Ego, and Become the Perfect Modern Narcissist It’s certainly no great insight to notice that we live in a narcissistic age; this has been pointed out many times before.  The dominant memes of our culture celebrate surface images, the celebrity of the shallow, hedonistic short-term flings, and the flight from responsibility.  We are a consumerist culture.  Outside of our mandatory nine-to-five we are meant to consume incessantly, and live for nothing but the moment. You are your sofa; you are your outfit; you are whatever you are perceived to be. Yet time and time again I...

The Corporate Coven 10

The Corporate Coven

I love having a job, i love working hard and having my own money. And i don’t feel sorry for the men who feel all down and hard done by from this! Any of us who’ve been around the Mandrosphere for a while have heard this refrain.  Arguments about the socialized artificiality of the modern workplace, the economic destructiveness of it, the Sense and Decency of traditional patriarchy – they all fall on deaf ears because women Enjoy Their Independence. We try time and time again to explain to these women that in the long run they were better off...