Tagged: Freedom


The Key To Making Western Men Stronger

The following is a guest post from Jack at Road to Solidity. Western men are divided. Real western men, those who care, those who are conscious of who they are and who cherish their civilization and their people, are divided. Here I’m not talking about the left-wing guys versus the right-wing guys.  I’m talking about the right-wing guys being divided among them. Being physically disconnected from each other. They are not bonded by something other than their ideas and what they want for their civilization. They are isolated from one another. They don’t form a real team. They don’t form...


Interview, and the Regular Livestream

One Man’s Corus invited me to join him on a podcast/interview where we discussed Jordan B. Peterson, Feminism, MGTOW, and the Alt Right, as well as the direction that we’re all headed in: (And yes, I was a fan of Peterson’s before it was cool.) My regular Sunday Stream (brought to you by my Patreon backers!) will be going out at the regular time, 1700 Mtn; I’ll be going back to basics, discussing what this whole “Red Pill” self-improvement regime is supposed to be about, and how it relates to the politics that it’s grown into. And in other news,...

Humanism: An Ethos of Death 14

Humanism: An Ethos of Death

The Devil’s Advocate VS. The Grand Inquisitor There’s something compelling about movies with the Devil in them; The Devil’s Advocate is one of the best portrayals I’ve seen, and it leaves you with the sneaking suspicion that it’s not a metaphor; that at some point in the nineties this actually happened… only in the real world there was no happy ending. The plot follows a small-town lawyer who’s never lost a case (played by Keeanu Reeves), being seduced to New York where he becomes a high-paid gun for the city’s corrupt and broken rich, while his wife slowly goes mad. ...

It’s a Dog’s Life 5

It’s a Dog’s Life

According to Westsern Witch Doctors, sanity is a relative measurement. The Sane Man is not He who has optimized his processing power with Good Priors and Bayes Theorem; it is not He who has become an Ubermensch, inductively reasoning out Trigonometry, while being omni-aware of his innermost thoughts – no, the Sane Man is nothing like that. Quite simply, modern Psychology defines sanity as that which fits closest to the mean. Bell curves are what determine value; not intrinsic worth. By their standards, dear reader – by virtue of the unhealthy society in which we live – we are, both...

Low Maintenance Troop 0

Low Maintenance Troop

A long time ago, in another lifetime perhaps, I remember being tasked with the Leading of Young Soldiers.  Hard work, dedication, discipline; all of those were important parts of the military ethos which I tried to instill in them.  But above all of them, more important by far, I wanted each and every one of them to be a Low Maintenance Troop. There’s an old saying in the army: “Solve it at the lowest level!” It’s usually offered up as a rebuke to some hapless Private, who in terror of all things brass just asked his section commander whether he...