Tagged: Game

Three Paths to Nowhere 5

Three Paths to Nowhere

After writing my last post I was trying to explain it to a co-worker – explain how there are basically three life choices us Men have today, and how none of them will pan out in the long term.  I realized that this was a post in itself, delineating these three choices and why they all suck… only to check my RSS feed and see that somebody beat me to it. The options we have: 1) The Blue Pill: Play along with the system. 2) MRM: Fight the current legal system for equal rights from within the system. 3) Game/MGTOW:...

Portrait of a Dissolute Man 1

Portrait of a Dissolute Man

This is not a character assassination. This is not even a description of a specific individual. Rather, this is a captured zeitgeist, a Parable of our Age, a symptom of our present sickness.  Note that I said Dissolute, not Profligate (Caesar was always careful with his words); he is as much a victim as the rest of us. The Dissolute Man is not found in some movie studio, deep within the bowels of Hollywood, buried amongst the ancient tomes of memetic biology, manufacturing the contagion – far from it.  The bright lights of the Nightclub are what call to him. ...

Girls Gone Feral 4

Girls Gone Feral

Is this any greater compliment than being recognized for who and what you really are?  Maybe not for a Narcissist – their personalities are imaginary, their true core is uglier than a Dalek outside of its shell – but for any real human being, it’s the exact sort of validation we seek.  It was a great compliment when The Alpha Persona described me as “The quintessential sigma.” From his scale: Sigma: The outsider who doesn’t play the social game and manage to win at it anyhow. I’ve found that sigmas and Alphas usually work out to be excellent friends because...

Men Are Intimidated by “X” 2

Men Are Intimidated by “X”

You know, it comes as no surprise that I agree with the Captain’s conlusions – but I don’t like the roads he took to get there.  They ain’t wrong, exactly, not that – but I think there might be a more Parsimonious Explanation. 1. A Man is (not) Intimated by a Taller Woman I don’t know one guy, personally, who has said, “Oh no! Not a a TALLER woman! GASP oh GASP! You mean her legs will be LONGER THAN AVERAGE!? Horrors of horrors. How will I ever survive?” Folks, I am going to be so uncouth as to reveal...