Tagged: gamergate


Has #GamerGate been Thoroughly Cucked?

There’s nothing I love more than getting hate from the left.  They say you can judge a man by his enemies, and in my case they’re a bunch of sneaky ethno-masochists who desperately cling to whatever ideologies are deemed fashionable at the moment.  Five years ago they were upset by my “sexism”, but now that anti-feminism has become fashionable they’re scrabbling to find something – anything! – else to use as an excuse. Haters gonna hate, after all. But what I find interesting is the sheer volume of hatred I inspire; in the grand scheme of things I’m a small...


Book Review: Understanding #Gamergate by Scott Cameron

Scott Cameron’s Understanding #Gamergate is a 14,000 word dissertation explaining the core issues which started Gamergate, the major developments which have proceeded since that time, introductions to the major players, and a framework by which the reader can measure and weigh the arguments of both sides.


The First Principles of Fighting Enemies Inside the Gate

The enemies of civilization only argue to create distractions. They have no honesty or integrity to their words, they’re numb to beauty, and whenever possible they resort to underhanded personal attacks. They sow the seeds of discord wherever they go, and when we fight amongst ourselves we’re doing their own work for them.