Tagged: Gun Control

Correlation, Causation, and Racism in “Science” 2

Correlation, Causation, and Racism in “Science”

You’ve got to love the modern pseudo-science of polling.  I remember during the last municipal election cycle, getting a call from a polling agency asking me how important Police Services were to me. “In what context?” I asked. “How much will the importance of Police Services be influencing your vote in the upcoming election.” A meaningless question without context. I hold a dim view of the Calgary Police Service; my anecdotal experiences with them have shown a deficit of actual policing skill.  They can’t differentiate between “Alpha citizen” and “Alpha criminal,” often stiffening in fear whenever they witness testosteronic power...

Dealing with the Devil 7

Dealing with the Devil

A vile an ugly man has died today; Senator Frank Lautenberg of NJ.  I won’t mourn the passing of someone who used emotive prevarications to benefit himself at the expense of others; good riddance to this bad rubbish. “Isn’t calling a man Evil pretty extreme?” I hear the voices in the peanut gallery ask, “Can you truly know what Evil lurks in the heart of men?  Or does only the Shadow know?” I may not know what cruelties Lautenberg suffered as a child at the hands of his parents; I can only half-imagine the trauma of being an impoverished Polish-Jew,...

Even the Police State is Crumbling 13

Even the Police State is Crumbling

For those of you unfamiliar with this story (there has been somewhat of a media blackout, after all), Keoni Galt has the full story – including why it is that so many of us feel a knee-jerk feeling of support for rogue ex-cop Chris Dorner. But to describe it in brief – Chris Dorner was an ex-military police officer in L.A., until he was fired from the job.  Which is kind of a nasty thing, to be honest – not quite as bad as a Dishonourable Discharge from the military (an Event which has quite the potential to undermine future...

Too Much Trust of Doctors 5

Too Much Trust of Doctors

Bill Powell explains the explains what the 23 Executive Orders mean for you: 16. Clarify that the Affordable Care Act does not prohibit doctors asking their patients about guns in their homes. Did you know that the AMA is one of the largest anti-gun establishments in this country? Personally if I had a doctor ask me about guns in my home, if I could control myself from bashing the bastard in the face, I’d walk out without paying. Just another good reason to stay away from these quacks. Allow me to coin a new term, “Credentialism Creep”: Credentialism is a...

How to Defeat the Left 4

How to Defeat the Left

First off, I need your support.  I’m doing a bit of fundraising just now, so I’d appreciate if you watched the following video, or click on this link for the details. That said, here’s why you all came here: my latest video, How to Defeat the Left: Pravda’s “America, Never give up your guns!“by Stanislav Mishin.

Bullying; the Spirit of our Time 4

Bullying; the Spirit of our Time

I don’t know why bullying’s been in the media for the past few months; if it were because of a specific suicide, or a rash of suicides, I’m sure I would of heard of it. Instead the conversation has lacked context, as if it had sprung up ex-nihilo into the minds of journalists and AM radio hosts alike. There’s no recently-marketed study they all reference, and there’s no particular politician they grill.  It really does seem to be a Grass Roots sorta thing. Which I take as Proof Positive that it was Astro Turfed. I know that if I look...