Tagged: Marriage


Beta Males Create Hypergamy

You manifest your own reality. I know what you’re thinking: nothing but the words of a self-help guru, some manipulative Eastern Mystic, selling bulk-bin books to the Housefrau at Walmart.  Quite frankly, I’m not a huge fan of that positive-thinking garbage, myself; I far prefer suffering.  As Jordan Petersen said in the video I linked yesterday, suffering is how you know you’re alive. Happiness?  Happiness is the heroin drip, the video game addiction, the desire for Thanatos and self-elimination.  Happiness is Utopia, and Utopia’s nothing but the process of killing off everybody, one by one, until you’re the last man...


A Heart of Gold, in a Pyrite Desert

The Manosphere has done a lot of good work publicizing just how truly awful women can be.  By now, the Blue Pill reality is miles away; the claims that women are all pure, that they deserve to be pedestalized, that divorce is mainly due to abusive men, that girls like nice guys, and that men were ever, as a whole, oppressing women – these have been thoroughly wiped away.  What started off as strangers comparing notes online – “Wait a minute, you’ve been through the same thing?  I thought I was the only one!” – has grown into a well-researched,...


Leadership and Dominance

It seems that, lately, whenever I try and write about relationship dynamics and power structures, I keep going back to romantic involvements – even though what I’m trying to address are principles which are fundamental to human behaviour in general, not just our sexual natures. A product of our times, I suppose: romantic relationships are one of the few areas where freedom is still allowed.  The War of the Sexes doesn’t have any sort of Geneva Convention, just nuclear armaments on the side of the women.  Contrast to the rest of the social world – school, work, socializing – where...


Living With Snake Eyes

Snake Eyes: what a beautiful way of putting it.  I stole the term from that unrepentant Truth Teller Wimminz because it perfectly sums up one of the harshest moral lessons you can learn, a lesson so harsh that most people mistake it for immorality: the Scorched Earth strategy. This desperate but effectual method of defence can only be executed by the enthusiasm of a people who prefer their independence to their property; or by the rigor of an arbitrary government, which consults the public safety without submitting to their inclinations the liberty of choice.” ~Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall...


Women Can Age Beautifully (Solomon II’s Lost Blog)

Lovingly archived by the men at Return of Kings: Women can age beautifully, you know. Uh oh. That sermon we expected earlier was about to be delivered. Let me tell you boys something. I don’t take back anything I said about you guys running around with these little girls, since that’s evidently all that’s available these days. But there’s no reason for you to disrespect my wife. Sorry, we didn’t mean to be disrespectful to… Shut up. Both of you. Yes sir. Listen to me. A good woman ages beautifully. When I look at my wife, I see the most...


Leadership, Submission, and the Neoreactionary Social Order

The two terms which best describe our Modernist-Liberal age are ‘rebellion’ and ‘inversion’; the most obvious example of this is the breakdown of healthy sexual relationships, thanks to the rejection of traditional values, not just by society, but also by many of the churches; Dalrock and Sunshine Mary explore this thoroughly.  But as important as sex is (not only does it perpetuate the species, it’s also our number one raison d’être, after all) our inversions and rebellions go far deeper than just the advocacy of feminism and promiscuity.  In fact, the foundational mythos of our civilization has become an over-turning...

The 25 Year Old Virgin 13

The 25 Year Old Virgin

I’ve noticed a trend going around, and it’s bothering me.  Let’s call it “Puritanism” – derived from “Purity” not “Puritanical” (though the Cunning Linguist in me suspects that they might somehow be related).  It’s something I’ve noticed appearing here and there in comment sections, you can even find the occasional blogger who will engage in it: the claim to moral purity. We all tend to be a bit idealistic around this deep, dark corner of the Internet; we speak in absolutes, we write about archetypes, and we simplify for the sake of explanation.  We’re trying to create new models for...

Gresham’s Law: It Also Applies to Sex and Culture 4

Gresham’s Law: It Also Applies to Sex and Culture

Folks, this is giong to be an argument about how degenerate culture drives out civilized culture, but we’re going to have to start this one off with some economic definitions; links to Wikipedia if I go too fast, but I think you’ll be able to keep up; so let’s jump into it: ͼ-Ѻ-ͽ 1. Gresham’s Law: “When a government compulsorily overvalues one type of money and undervalues another, the undervalued money will leave the country or disappear from circulation into hoards, while the overvalued money will flood into circulation.” The best examples involve either devaluing the coinage, or failing to...

Advice for Young Women 0

Advice for Young Women

How to Glamourize Your Ego, and Become the Perfect Modern Narcissist It’s certainly no great insight to notice that we live in a narcissistic age; this has been pointed out many times before.  The dominant memes of our culture celebrate surface images, the celebrity of the shallow, hedonistic short-term flings, and the flight from responsibility.  We are a consumerist culture.  Outside of our mandatory nine-to-five we are meant to consume incessantly, and live for nothing but the moment. You are your sofa; you are your outfit; you are whatever you are perceived to be. Yet time and time again I...