Tagged: Marxism

Agenda: Grinding America Down 9

Agenda: Grinding America Down

Let’s start with an excellent post from the Captain.  Anti-feminism is not about hating women; none of these controversial ideas we discuss in the alt-right are about hating anyone; it’s about saving our bloody civilization.  And let’s get one thing absolutely clear: these aren’t the accidental side-effects of “good hearted, but misguided” policies.  These are deliberate attacks by a small group of intellectuals who want to bring down the West.  These people have names; they’ve been perfectly explicit in their goals; they know what they’re doing, and they’ve written down both How and Why they’re doing it.  This isn’t a...

I am tEh Canadian Taliban 14

I am tEh Canadian Taliban

Edit: Naomi is a stalker and an attention whore, who’s trying to doc-drop the Captain and I.  As such I’ve decided to break the links to her website because she doesn’t deserve the traffic.  Quite frankly, she’s just not that interesting of an opponent.  I’m leaving this post up because it’s a great example of Feminist hypocrisy. And a Monster as well, who apparently hates women. It’s funny how fast a shit-storm starts: *Sigh* That Democrat/Patriarchy bit was pretty disappointing – as usual we hear the one instance where the Old System went wrong, and are expected to ignore the...

Professional Women and their Empty Marriages 11

Professional Women and their Empty Marriages

Let’s start with a quick test: pretend I just made a negative generalization about your demographic, a generalization that is obviously True to anyone who isn’t obsessed with living in Fantasy Land.  What’s your response? A) You shrug your shoulders, “Yeah, us cricket players can definitely be like that sometimes.” B) You pulse quickens, “How dare you say such a thing about poodle owners!” If you answered A then you’re a normal person who understands the difference between demographics and individuals, who isn’t paralyzed with fear at the thought of being criticized.  If you answered B, then I have some...

If We Do Not Stand… 6

If We Do Not Stand…

Roosh, the classic Sanguine, has this to say about the state of the Men’s Rights Movement: The biggest problem with MRAs is that they are not activists. They are pamphleteers. They believe knowledge alone will solve the ills of the world. They believe that merely reading about how men are getting shafted will improve the status quo. They believe that one-thousand of them typing away and producing ten-thousand blog posts will change society. The Truth is far worse, of course.  Roosh’s rejection is based upon an apt assessment of their topology; it’s violent tremors in the geography which worry me....

Zionists, White Nationalists, & Class War 15

Zionists, White Nationalists, & Class War

I tweeted about this a while back (I really didn’t have much else to say at the time)- but Vox Day’s article got me thinking… From the article I linked to: Youth gangs from the community of Sudanese and Eritrean refugees have in recent weeks been swamping Tel Aviv beaches and stealing bathers’ belongings, according to police. Most of the thefts have occurred on Tel Aviv’s major beaches. Authorities attribute the thefts to the increase in the number of refugees who have come to the city this year, and the lack of employment opportunities for them. And from Vox Day’s...

Combatting Cultural Marxism 11

Combatting Cultural Marxism

Cultural Marxism is one of those terms that gets thrown around a lot, and like all such terms it tends to suffer from Adaptive Decay.  It therefore behooves me to write a Brief History on what the term really means. We start with Trotsky and the New Soviet Man. Communism in practice is a centralized bureaucracy with sufficient guns to carry out its plans.  They – the educated, chosen elite – unabashedly claim the Wisdom to direct all individual behaviour.  Their Scholarship, you see, has granted them Greater Insight into the human condition than any Priest could ever dream of. ...