Tagged: Masculinity


The Key To Making Western Men Stronger

The following is a guest post from Jack at Road to Solidity. Western men are divided. Real western men, those who care, those who are conscious of who they are and who cherish their civilization and their people, are divided. Here I’m not talking about the left-wing guys versus the right-wing guys.  I’m talking about the right-wing guys being divided among them. Being physically disconnected from each other. They are not bonded by something other than their ideas and what they want for their civilization. They are isolated from one another. They don’t form a real team. They don’t form...


The Gamma and the Omega [Video]

Feminists are right about men, if you restrict their assessment to feminist men alone. The Gamma and the Omega are nothing more than sad reflections of the Sigma and the Alpha, respectively.


How Society’s Harridans And Succubis Are Crushing Masculinity

John C. Wright—the full-time science fiction author and part-time theologian—once noted that heresies often come in pairs. His focus was on church heresies of the first millennium, but it is no less true today. For every foolish idea, there almost always arises an equal and opposite form of foolishness, and despite their apparent opposition they ultimately wind up working together to oppose the truth.


The Broken Road (Poem)

William Manning, who writes at Modern Maleficarum, was inspired to write a poem by my novel As I Walk These Broken Roads; I figured I’d share it with you. The Broken Road A thousand leagues I’ve wandered I’ve seen near everything From unrelenting wastelands To cold, refreshing springs A land of rakes and scoundrels A field of toiling saints No place for me to rest my eyes As I walk these broken roads The gears that keep us moving The tomes of sages past A million years of history This magic makes us last My eyes have seen no aged...


Beta Males Create Hypergamy

You manifest your own reality. I know what you’re thinking: nothing but the words of a self-help guru, some manipulative Eastern Mystic, selling bulk-bin books to the Housefrau at Walmart.  Quite frankly, I’m not a huge fan of that positive-thinking garbage, myself; I far prefer suffering.  As Jordan Petersen said in the video I linked yesterday, suffering is how you know you’re alive. Happiness?  Happiness is the heroin drip, the video game addiction, the desire for Thanatos and self-elimination.  Happiness is Utopia, and Utopia’s nothing but the process of killing off everybody, one by one, until you’re the last man...

Game is a K-Type Mating Strategy 8

Game is a K-Type Mating Strategy

This post assumes basic familiarity with r/K selection theory, as well as Anonymous Conservative‘s work exploring how this relates to the two fundamental political stances of our species.  I highly recommend that you buy his book The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics for an in depth analysis, but for the sake of this article a simple explanation will suffice (if you’re already familiar with his theory you can skip to the break). An r-selected species is a reproduction focused species; this occurs in niches of abundance, where food is readily available.  Under such conditions, it is the fastest reproducers who take...