Tagged: Men’s Rights

The Manosphere: A Response to 20/20 with Doctor Illusion 9

The Manosphere: A Response to 20/20 with Doctor Illusion

Myself and Doctor Illusion sat down to have a chat about what the Manosphere actually is, in preparation for the 20/20 hatchet job; I’ll argue with Paul Elam some other day, right now it’s time to circle the wagons.  With any luck, it should be a fun time for all, veterans and newbies of this deep, dark corner of the Internet. Incidentally, my novel is still available on Amazon, and my Facebook account is Darth.Aurini; feel free to send me a friend request! The story behind the image for this video. A site to download it as an MP3. Also,...


Pry, Valiente, & ABC: A Study in Corrupt Journalistic Ethics

The following post is going to be addressing an article by Alyssa Pry and Alexa Valiente on ABC’s website, titled Women Battle Online Anti-Women Hate From the ‘Manosphere’.  I bring this up at the start because the purpose of this post is three-fold. 1. To establish that the Fourth Estate – the journalists upon whom we rely to transmit an accurate picture of the world – is hopelessly corrupt.  Not just incompetent (though man of them are that, too), but corrupt.  Their intentional dishonesty is an existential threat to our civilization. 2. To discuss the challenges every journalist and writer...

Manning Up 0

Manning Up

First off, a new Lunatic Fringe Podcast with myself and Matt Forney, where we discuss everything.  It’s an hour long, with an mp3 for download if you prefer. Now, to the point: My book. My Twitter. Glorious Hat! Stagnating technology. Manna, a short story. Also don’t forget to check out Heinlein’s short story The Man Who Was Too Lazy to Fail.

Game & Chivalry 3

Game & Chivalry

Buy my book: http://www.amazon.com/Walk-These-Broken-Roads-Volume/dp/1480121827 Follow my Twitter: http://twitter.com/Aurini The Rawness on Neil Strauss: http://therawness.com/reader-letters-1-part-4-1/ How a woman can compete against sluts: http://judgybitch.com/2012/11/12/sluts-lower-the-value-of-all-women-heres-how-to-compete-with-them/ Blogs about Game: http://www.thealphapersona.com https://heartiste.wordpress.com/ http://www.rooshv.com http://theprivateman.wordpress.com/

If We Do Not Stand… 6

If We Do Not Stand…

Roosh, the classic Sanguine, has this to say about the state of the Men’s Rights Movement: The biggest problem with MRAs is that they are not activists. They are pamphleteers. They believe knowledge alone will solve the ills of the world. They believe that merely reading about how men are getting shafted will improve the status quo. They believe that one-thousand of them typing away and producing ten-thousand blog posts will change society. The Truth is far worse, of course.  Roosh’s rejection is based upon an apt assessment of their topology; it’s violent tremors in the geography which worry me....

Portrait of a Dissolute Man 1

Portrait of a Dissolute Man

This is not a character assassination. This is not even a description of a specific individual. Rather, this is a captured zeitgeist, a Parable of our Age, a symptom of our present sickness.  Note that I said Dissolute, not Profligate (Caesar was always careful with his words); he is as much a victim as the rest of us. The Dissolute Man is not found in some movie studio, deep within the bowels of Hollywood, buried amongst the ancient tomes of memetic biology, manufacturing the contagion – far from it.  The bright lights of the Nightclub are what call to him. ...

Recap: The Collapse is Coming 3

Recap: The Collapse is Coming

It is the conceit of any Ideologue that he has a direct line on the Truth.  For your typical Talking Head, they simply assume that their opponent is an idiot – or perhaps misguided.  Those who are more intellectually honest might go so far as to admit that the Complement of their Political Shade have some good points; they might even admit to being ignorant on whether red or blue is most correct in any given situation. After all, they’re both playing on the same field. Here in the Reactionary Right, we don’t have that luxury.  Our stance is –...

Combatting Cultural Marxism 11

Combatting Cultural Marxism

Cultural Marxism is one of those terms that gets thrown around a lot, and like all such terms it tends to suffer from Adaptive Decay.  It therefore behooves me to write a Brief History on what the term really means. We start with Trotsky and the New Soviet Man. Communism in practice is a centralized bureaucracy with sufficient guns to carry out its plans.  They – the educated, chosen elite – unabashedly claim the Wisdom to direct all individual behaviour.  Their Scholarship, you see, has granted them Greater Insight into the human condition than any Priest could ever dream of. ...

Angry Young Turks 4

Angry Young Turks

From the eminent Dalrock: I’ll pose the same question back to Ms. Duffy and the commenters who are troubled by the fact that people are angry with the gross injustice which is being done to men, children, and the very institution of marriage:  Why don’t you care?  Why aren’t you angry? Anger is an entirely healthy response to gross injustice.  Apathy on the other hand is an indication of a profound inability to feel empathy, perhaps even masking a strong level of personal investment in maintaining the injustice itself. It’s impossible for me to read something like that without reflecting...