Tagged: neomasculinity


The Gamma and the Omega [Video]

Feminists are right about men, if you restrict their assessment to feminist men alone. The Gamma and the Omega are nothing more than sad reflections of the Sigma and the Alpha, respectively.


How Society’s Harridans And Succubis Are Crushing Masculinity

John C. Wright—the full-time science fiction author and part-time theologian—once noted that heresies often come in pairs. His focus was on church heresies of the first millennium, but it is no less true today. For every foolish idea, there almost always arises an equal and opposite form of foolishness, and despite their apparent opposition they ultimately wind up working together to oppose the truth.


The Broken Road (Poem)

William Manning, who writes at Modern Maleficarum, was inspired to write a poem by my novel As I Walk These Broken Roads; I figured I’d share it with you. The Broken Road A thousand leagues I’ve wandered I’ve seen near everything From unrelenting wastelands To cold, refreshing springs A land of rakes and scoundrels A field of toiling saints No place for me to rest my eyes As I walk these broken roads The gears that keep us moving The tomes of sages past A million years of history This magic makes us last My eyes have seen no aged...


Game Theory and the Marriage Matrix

Plotting a course to our hopes and dreams grows ever more difficult, as the incentives which make up the social fabric of society shift, and defection is prioritized over cooperation.


Attacking the Wrong Degenerates

Good men who seek after greatness, both personal and professional, are the ones who are most aware of their own shortcomings. They’re the ones who over-extend themselves, whose reach exceeds their grasp in their never-ending journey of self-improvement. Their life is a series of mistakes made for all the right reasons, mistakes they take ownership of, the mistakes by which they learn.