Tagged: rape culture


The Wages of Leftism is Rape

…the social shaming of sluts has primarily come from female half of the species, while the violent disgust with rapists has come from the men; the two halves view things from their own perspectives, which is why their union is so necessary for a civilized whole.

Feminists Are Like a Broken Clock… 3

Feminists Are Like a Broken Clock…

…because even a broken clock is right twice a day. Alt Title: This is What a Feminist Looks Like A few days ago Heartiste posted a video of Harridan by the name of Katie Makkai doing a piece of… “Slam Poetry” (no, I don’t know what that is.  Go ask Matt Forney; he has a different type of Worthless Degree than I do). In it she attacks modernity’s obsession with ‘prettiness’.  Watch at your own risk; her voice is like a rusty nail on the ear drum: Heartiste’s response was to ridicule her – and rightly so.  Feminism is obsessed...