Tagged: Rape


The Wages of Leftism is Rape

…the social shaming of sluts has primarily come from female half of the species, while the violent disgust with rapists has come from the men; the two halves view things from their own perspectives, which is why their union is so necessary for a civilized whole.

Gender, Rape, and Equality 3

Gender, Rape, and Equality

Today I want to talk about Rape. In particular, I want to talk about false accusations. The reason I want to talk about this is because it’s not a gender issue. It’s not a Men’s issue. It’s not a Women’s issue. It’s a People’s issue. Obviously I’m going to talk about Feminists (what with them being traitors to their own stated cause, and all), but since I’m an equal opportunity Hater, let’s start with their kilt-wearing counterparts: the Men’s Rights movement. The MRM is generally a Cause for Good, but they’re no more ‘perfect’ than any other loose association of...