Tagged: Reactionary

The Way of Men by Jack Donovan – Book Review 8

The Way of Men by Jack Donovan – Book Review

Back in the early days of the Internet, before Web 2.0, before the Androsphere, back when blogging was a dirty word, there was the Tucker Max Message Board.  A nascent collection of Manly Men and ne’er do wells, with authors such as PhilaLawyer and Robert Greene, a large contingent of military men, a brilliant writers’ forum, Tucker’s writings on proto-game, and, of course, Yours Truly.  The conversations on the Idiot Board (the TMMB’s /b/) were as hilarious as they were insightful (it’s where I first heard of Roissy), and it was an exciting place to be. There we were, a...

Three Paths to Nowhere 5

Three Paths to Nowhere

After writing my last post I was trying to explain it to a co-worker – explain how there are basically three life choices us Men have today, and how none of them will pan out in the long term.  I realized that this was a post in itself, delineating these three choices and why they all suck… only to check my RSS feed and see that somebody beat me to it. The options we have: 1) The Blue Pill: Play along with the system. 2) MRM: Fight the current legal system for equal rights from within the system. 3) Game/MGTOW:...

If We Do Not Stand… 6

If We Do Not Stand…

Roosh, the classic Sanguine, has this to say about the state of the Men’s Rights Movement: The biggest problem with MRAs is that they are not activists. They are pamphleteers. They believe knowledge alone will solve the ills of the world. They believe that merely reading about how men are getting shafted will improve the status quo. They believe that one-thousand of them typing away and producing ten-thousand blog posts will change society. The Truth is far worse, of course.  Roosh’s rejection is based upon an apt assessment of their topology; it’s violent tremors in the geography which worry me....

Portrait of a Dissolute Man 1

Portrait of a Dissolute Man

This is not a character assassination. This is not even a description of a specific individual. Rather, this is a captured zeitgeist, a Parable of our Age, a symptom of our present sickness.  Note that I said Dissolute, not Profligate (Caesar was always careful with his words); he is as much a victim as the rest of us. The Dissolute Man is not found in some movie studio, deep within the bowels of Hollywood, buried amongst the ancient tomes of memetic biology, manufacturing the contagion – far from it.  The bright lights of the Nightclub are what call to him. ...

Collapse: Long, Slow, and Permanent 7

Collapse: Long, Slow, and Permanent

Most writers in the alt-right/reactionary/androsphere seem to be city dwellers.  Certainly Apocalypse Cometh and Wimminz write from the urban perspective, and I suspect this is part of the reason they (as well as myself) tend to have such dire predictions about how bad the Decline is going to be.  In the cities, the cracks are starting to show. Forget about the violent crime rates – for those of us living in or near the Downtowns, it’s the subtle problems that stand out.  The debased standard of living amongst the lowest class, drinking cheap liquor in public parks, ever reliant on...

Romney’s Going to Lose, and I Don’t Care 1

Romney’s Going to Lose, and I Don’t Care

Part I: I am an Oak Some time ago (actually, quite a bit longer-a-go, but that’s the first time I published it) I predicted that Obama was going to win a second term.  I consider the matter self-evident.  While this may seem a Ballsy, given the current state of the economy and the upcoming Zimmerman trial, I stick by my guns.  Remember that Obama is a Product Placement, not a man.  Freudians have measured our woof, and texture; voters are in the dull catalogue of common things.  Short of a Great Scandal (like, say, Child Pornography in the White House...

The Inevitability of Conspiracy Theories 6

The Inevitability of Conspiracy Theories

“I have always said, the first Whig was the Devil.” ~ Samuel L. Johnson  (1709-1784) The terms Left and Right get bandied about quite a bit, and Nailing Down a meaning is no simple task.  Is it just a sort of shorthand for Conservative and Liberal?  Not if it has a coherent meaning; the parties can never make up their minds on what they want.  Seventy years ago the Republicans were the Big Government Moral Dreamers, pro-black to their core, while the Democrats where the pro-racist-union groupies.  Then Civil Rights happened, and everything turned on its head.  The Democrats became...

Is Race Realism Racist? 4

Is Race Realism Racist?

Short answer? No. Money and School Performance (CATO Institute). Probably the ballsiest video I’ve done yet.  I’m already getting stupid messages in my inbox about it.