The Wages of Leftism is Rape

Breitbart reports: (H/T Vox Day)

A young, female ‘No Borders’ activist working in a migrant camp on the France-Italy border remained silent about her gang rape by Sudanese migrants for over a month because “the others asked me to keep quiet.”

Colleagues are alleged to have said that reporting the crime would set back their struggle for a borderless world.

The ‘No Borders’ activist had dedicated a month of her life to helping migrants. Her group was stationed between Italy and France in Ponte San Ludovico in Ventimiglia when the atrocity occurred, according to reports from local papers La Stampa and Il Secolo XIX, and now reported in the major Italian national Corriere Della Serra.

One Saturday night, as loud music played at a nearby party, the woman was reportedly trapped in a shower block set up near the camp in a pine forest know as Red Leap.

A gang of African migrants allegedly raped her there, and her cries for help are said to have gone unheard because of the music.

La Stampa reports that the woman, around 30 years of age, would have reported the horrific crime were if not for her fellow left-wing activists, who convinced her that if the truth got out it could damage their utopian dream of a world without borders.

Once, I might have had empathy for this woman; these days I reserve my pity for the innocent victims of the policies she promotes.  Undoubtedly the coven of harridans who demanded her silence would have been the first ones pushing her to file charges against a drunken hook-up, accusing one of their native men of ‘Date Rape’.  Their utter callousness to this actual crime tells you everything you need to know about feminists: it is an ideology of hate and sewage dressed in the guise of righteousness.

One upon a time an innocent soul inhabited this woman’s body, but corruption set in a long time ago.  She was a victim – but now she’s a victimizer.  An advocate for policies that will introduce systemic rape into her native land, while decrying any and all resistance to it as ‘Rape Culture’ because she hates the colour of her own skin.

There is always the possibility that this event will cause her to seek redemption; that this is her version of hitting rock bottom.  Perhaps she’ll realize that the treachery of her fellow feminists is the exact same treachery she’s been showing to the Europe.  This brings us to the question: at this point, what can she possibly offer to the civilization that nurtured her, protected her, and educated her for all these years?  Once upon a time she might have contributed by supporting a husband and raising a family of virtuous, confident, and well-adjusted babies; but even if she didn’t contract HIV or Ebola, even if at the age of thirty she’s still fertile enough to have children, the days of her producing European children to inherit European civilization are now gone.

The Medical Daily reports certain hate facts, re-discovered by a recent Australian study:

The idea of telegony, or previous mates influencing a woman’s offspring, has been around for centuries. It was first proposed by the Greek philosopher Aristotle and was accepted as science until the early 1900s when it was disproved and replaced by more modern genetic theory, according to the study’s press release. Unfortunately, the theory was largely used as a fear tactic to prevent women from copulating with different races or lower classes, but the study suggests the theory may have some elements of truth — for flies, at least.

To test the age old theory of telegony, the researchers manipulated male flies to grow to a certain height by changing the amount of nutrients in their diet. They then mated immature females with either large or small males. Later on, the now mature females were again mated with males of various sizes. The subsequent offspring were then studied, and what researchers observed was quite remarkable.

“We found that even though the second male sired the offspring, offspring size was determined by what the mother’s previous mating partner ate as a maggot,” Dr. Angela Crean, led researcher on the project, explained in the press release. “Our new findings take this to a whole new level — showing a male can also transmit some of his acquired features to offspring sired by other males.”

Even if she were to mend her ways and find a patriotic Gaulish man to marry, the children she bore him would be part Sudanese Gang Rapist.


Source: Maddox

Despite the hue and cry coming from the degenerate women who are thrown into paroxysms at the mere thought of an erection (or of themselves being sexy and feminine, for that matter), they don’t truly care about the crime itself. ‘Rape Culture’ is a useful invective to attack their moral betters – the virtuous men and women who make up the backbone of society – but upon learning of any actual crime, the ‘Culture of Silence’ (which they accuse the police of propagating) comes to the fore.  These are precisely the same sort of people who looked the other way for the Rotherham abusers.

The old attitudes towards rape start to make a lot more sense in this light.  It’s etymology comes from the Latin verb ‘Rapere’, ‘To Seize’; it was viewed as a crime against the woman’s protector, either her father or husband in Roman times (who would be stuck with either a bastard or genetically damaged ovaries), or – since the rise of Christendom – a crime against her God-given virtue; thus the phrase her virtue was stolen.

You also begin to see the wisdom behind the admonishment Don’t put yourself in that position!  Young, foolish, and degenerate women have always flirted with bastardry, and once the damage has been done it is irreversible.  Feminists call this ‘Victim Blaming’, when the true victims are her father, her husband, her civilization, and the bastard she brings into this world; in her case it’s the wages of her sin.

Virtuous men and women – both of them – are disgusted by rape.  It is genetic theft.  But when it comes to degenerate men and women, the strongest opposition comes from the degenerate men; they might be cheats themselves, but in this case they were the victim of cheating.  As for the degenerate woman, she might have ruined her future finances, but nothing was ‘stolen’ from her in the immediate sense; she still achieved reproductive success, not to mention the narcissistic supply of being a victim and a struggling single mother.

This is why the social shaming of sluts has primarily come from female half of the species, while the violent disgust with rapists has come from the men; the two halves view things from their own perspectives, which is why their union is so necessary for a civilized whole.

The conclusion that we can draw from this is that a man or a woman who obsesses with the perspective of the other sex is ultimately insincere in their advocacy.  Female feminists who obsess over rape culture don’t care about rape, and only complain about consensual sex; male feminists who obsess over women’s ‘Reproductive Freedom’ are just looking for a woman to exploit.

Judge these people by their actions, not their words.  The latter are meant to confuse, to spread calumny, to sew suspicion between the sexes; while the former will show you where their hearts truly lie.


Leo M.J. Aurini

Trained as a Historian at McMaster University, and as an Infantry soldier in the Canadian Forces, I'm a Scholar, Author, Film Maker, and a God fearing Catholic, who loves women for their illogical nature.

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5 Responses

  1. Nickolas says:

    Wow I am discussed by this women, these libs aiming for the easy target the one that won’t move, but when someone or in this case group of men who raped her she remains silent because of her idiotic liberal wishes of open boarders….

    we can’t coexist if they’re trying to kill you!

    anyway keep them blogs post coming

    from your long time follower

  1. October 15, 2015

    […] The Wages of Leftism is Rape […]

  2. October 17, 2015

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  3. October 21, 2015

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