Not So Fast, Covid Scamdemic Planners…

A guest post by Leslie D. Soule

“What use is a golden key, if it cannot unlock what we want to be unlocked?”

So let me begin by saying that I have the curse of having never been part of the cult known as the Branch Covidians, but have had the singular honor of seeing everyone around me fall victim to it. Although I was able to, at the outset of this thing, awaken one sleeper (my roommate) to the social ills that had befallen us all, I have been unable to replicate this trick on anyone else, and all this time, a year and a half in, have failed to find the thing that might undo all the mental manipulation so carefully crafted by the bastards that run the governments of the world.

What does a person do? With an Invictus-like spirit, you keep going, if you’re like me. Unsure of where else to look for answers, I bought a copy of a book called Combatting Cult Mind Control by Steven Hassan, and it has proven itself already, to be worth its weight in gold, in unlocking the secrets of the scamdemic. So I am here to share its many insights and pieces of wisdom with you all, in the hopes that its storehouse of intellectual treasure will enrich the world, and allow us awakened to then awaken the many sleepers of the world.

I am going to share my notes in bullet-point form, in the way that I wrote them into the book as I discovered them, one by one:

  • Cults villainize former members and the people who speak out against the cult. We have certainly seen this with the First Church of Covid.
  • Deprogramming and/or arguing against Covid cult members, is not the way to go. I’ve tried waking people up this way, for the past year and a half. It does not work.
  • One of the symptoms that your family member, spouse, or other loved one is in a cult, is that you will see a dramatic personality change. I have already seen this in a few individuals. The cult creates its own personality in a person, that has control most of the time. Your job is to show the person that the old identity is still in there, somewhere underneath.
  • “Is Covid really a cult?” You ask. You bet your ass it is. Here’s a description of a destructive cult, from author Steven Hassan: “Any group that engages in outright deception to pursue its ends, whether religious or secular in its apparent orientation, I define as a destructive cult.”
  • Also, “members justify the use of deception to recruit individuals” (see: Covid mass-death hysteria, mask effectiveness i.e. Fauci emails, “two weeks of lockdown”, “two weeks to flatten the curve”, etc. etc.)
  • Leaving a cult may be the most painful thing to ever happen to a person. Though it may be a long time coming, the pain is coming, at some point in the future.
  • Having contact with someone outside the cult, is greatly important for cult members to get access to outside information, that could change their lives. Thus, lockdowns forced us to remain isolated, away from others who can influence us and show us the way to freedom.
  • Is the Covid Scamdemic unjust and unlawful? Absolutely. “If deception, hypnosis, and other mind control techniques are used to recruit and control followers, then people’s rights are being infringed upon.”
  • The average person is not hip to any of this, because he/she believes they could never be sucked into a cult. “The average person doesn’t stand much chance. He doesn’t understand mind control. He doesn’t know how different cult groups operate. He doesn’t know what questions to ask and what behaviors to watch out for. The average person assumes he could never be sucked in.”
  • What can we expect, when the shit hits the fan, and Covid cult members finally learn the truth? Not what you’d expect. They won’t be angry, or want to fight back – at least, not at first. If history is any indication (based on a cult whose spaceship didn’t arrive on time in the 50s), most believers will become more convinced than ever, and will double-down on their belief.
  • Most cults have their own “loaded language” that is used. Hence, “lockdown”, “covid”, “social distancing”, etc. “Since language provides the symbols we use for thinking, controlling certain words helps to control thoughts.”

Fortunately, there is hope – and it’s time to use our knowledge of what’s been done to our society, families, and friends, to turn the tide in our favor. The trick is what I’m advocating that we try next: covert intervention. This isn’t as scary as it sounds. Since the person who was there before, is still in there somewhere, with the person you want to awaken, that is the personality – not the new “cult” personality – that your approach will be appealing to.

The first step, is to get this person to think positively. The cult wants control, that’s why they want everyone in a depressed state, where fun and spontaneity don’t exist anymore. It’s why Target is getting rid of baseball cards and why the bars are shut down over a flu – the social planners don’t want people having fun, and they certainly don’t want them meeting up with each other, at the same time. It’s also about not letting people connect with their old selves – who they were, before the pandemic. I sent a friend some sports cards about a week ago, and it was the first he’d worked on his cards in a long time, since the market has dried up and stores are starting to not carry them anymore. At any rate, getting aggressive or combative with a cult member, tends to backfire, as I’ve found from my numerous unsuccessful attempts at appealing to reason, emotion, or logic.

So this new approach is about getting a person to talk to you about their dreams and goals, and showing you that they want to grow as a person. “It is vital to recognize that the only permanent way of getting people out of destructive cults is to help them get back in touch with their real selves, and help them start growing towards meeting a new personal goal that means something to them.”

The author reveals that there are specific keys to unlocking the chains that cult mind control has put on someone:

  • Key No. 1 – Build rapport and trust with the person. Use a non-threatening tone of voice, and mirror their body language.
  • Key No. 2 – Use goal-oriented communications
  • Key No. 3 – develop models of identity – figure out what kind of person the individual was before, and who they are now that they are in the cult. “[…] every cult member is at war between his cult identity and his real identity. At any time, you can actually see the person visibly switching back and forth.”

The Covid Cult is taking all fun away because they don’t want people to access their real, pre-cult identities.

And there is a reason that the Awakened like myself, are persecuted on social media. Critical info. is banned by Twitter and Facebook because information control is an essential component of mind control.

They apply the locks. But we’ve got the keys. “For every lock, there is a Key”

  • Key No. 4 – Get the person in touch with their pre-cult identity. This involves helping them to find joy in their life or their future. The Agenda wants people to feel absolutely miserable.
  • Key No. 5 – Get the cult member to look at reality from many different perspectives.
  • Key No. 6 – Side-step the thought-stopping process by giving information in an indirect way.
  • Key No. 7 – Visualize a happy future outside the cult to undo phobia indoctrination.
  • Key No. 8 – Offer the cult member concrete definitions of mind control and characteristics of a destructive cult.

The Planners want to lock away our happy future. I give you, the keys.

Leo M.J. Aurini

Trained as a Historian at McMaster University, and as an Infantry soldier in the Canadian Forces, I'm a Scholar, Author, Film Maker, and a God fearing Catholic, who loves women for their illogical nature.

5 Responses

  1. 'Reality' Doug says:

    Why would I invest in idiot Americans who betrayed me from day one when I could not invest in them? I can have that time and vitality at my disposal for me, or just relax. Go, sheep dogs, go! I imagine a world without sheep.

  2. Leslie Soule says:

    I understand completely, and have been asking myself the same question, honestly. For me, I want to fight this as best as possible because all might not be lost, yet. The planners of this, want to turn our friends and loved ones into zombie-like cult members, shells of their former selves. If we can in any way, help to pull them out of it, then we have not lost everything. That’s how I look at it. I could lose everything, but that is not for the planners to decide – not if I have anything to say about it. And we Americans – the ones who are awake, do care about our Canadian brothers and sisters. I, for one, was deeply touched by the group of people at the border, flying the Canadian flag upside down, asking for our aid.

  3. Jonathan says:

    Thanks for this article. Although I think it’s a fool’s errand to focus on finding the individual real person underneath the covid cult persona, there is a general truth here worth bringing out:

    And that is that we need to separate from society and connect with people who still have a soul. We need to “come out and be separate”, and be a “stark contrast” to the zombies, who will no doubt be offended by our mere existence.

    The truth is we’ve all been zombies for far too long. Just some basic observations: How long have we all been paying income tax? Why have we so passively submitted to this egregious overreach for so long? Especially since we know that this tax doesn’t fund roads or other basic things, but is just wealth redistribution to single moms who are married to the government.

    How long have we been putting up with stupid wars, the pharmaceutical industrial complex, and so much other bullshit?

    The truth is that this covid shit is just one more level of the zombie world that has been around for a very long time.

    It is the archetypal “beast system” that existed in Jesus’ day, and is renewed with a vigor in our day.

    We can’t stay in the system and try to bring out the real person in individuals. The system is going down, and will kill millions in the process. We need to survive this impending doom, but also realize that it has been a very long time coming.

  4. Leslie Soule says:

    I think you have a lot of great insights, Jonathan, and I would be very interested in discussing ideas and such. Feel free to send me an email if you like, to falcondraco (at) hotmail (dot) com

  5. Jonathan says:

    Thanks for the reply. I should really clarify though that you are on about a very important principle, which is that arguing with people about science and data is totally pointless and fruitless, as has been my experience as well.

    I think the challenge is to accept the inevitable collapse of society, and to look to survive to the point where very good things can come from the ashes, and your principle of finding the real non-zombie self inside and maybe drawing it out from others is so important (although I think it can only be achieved now by a group of people who are separate from, but yet in a sense alongside the doomed world).

    When these vaccinated people start to die from a new coronavirus in the fall because of the vaccine pathogenic priming, they are going to be in such shock… Many people even then won’t be able to accept that they were duped, and so they will look to blame the unvaccinated, and we will need to make sure we don’t fall to their scapegoat hunting..

    But even among those who are dying, there will be many who appreciate the difference in people who are “separated” from the beast system, and they will thankful for those who still “carry the fire”. And that is a great point you bring out.

    I will email you, thanks a lot!

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