Category: Society

Metropass Jailbird 1

Metropass Jailbird

So today on the C-Train I met a guy who was fresh out of prison, for failing to produce a valid token to the Train Cops. “Nice boots,” he said, after sitting down next to me. “Looks like they’re good for riding.” “Thanks, that what I use them for.” I said, eyeing him up.  There was something nervous and juvenile looking about him – though I guessed his age to be somewhere in the late twenties.  Part of it was the baseball cap, but there was something about his posture. He fidgeted a bit as the conversation died down, then...

Gulf Oil Spill 0

Gulf Oil Spill

I don’t got much to add to this – better folks than I have gone on at length. For a good aggregate site, go here: I found the link through Peter Schiff’s youtube channel, and I’m currently watching an old 1990 news program from there, on BPs culpability in the Exxon Valdez disaster. All I’ve got to say is this:

Canadian Human Rights 0

Canadian Human Rights

Imagine a bunch of Doctor Caricatures – giant heads,  reflector and stethescopes strapped on, and black shiny boots – they’re jabbering wildly with pointed teeth, smiling and promising that they’re here to help while they stick sharp needles in your belly– That’s what it feels like when you read the Ontario Human Rights Commission‘s website. For those of you still under the delusion that you live in a free country, the Human Rights Commissions are a group of government run secret courts where the presumption is guilt until you can prove innocence.  They’re premised on the Third-Wave-Feminist concept of Institutional...

Update – Canadian Freedom Reformation Movement 0

Update – Canadian Freedom Reformation Movement

A good friend of mine Lino D, Conservative most of his life, has recently grown disillusioned with their politics and begun to turn to a more Federalist philosophy.  He’s started up a blog on issues in Canadian Governance, which I will be writing for.  I just tossed up my first article today concerning the problems with newspaper nowadays, how it’s more about sloganeering than reporting. Go check it out here. And for the Patriots among you who like desktop backgrounds, he tossed this little image together (left-click for the full size version).

Last Night’s Home Invasion 5

Last Night’s Home Invasion

I guess I can’t really blame my neighbour for what happened. You see, I’d been out of town for the past week, and the endless crying in The Human Centipede is rather convincing (the plot and dialogue are another matter).  As far as my neighbour knew, my girlfriend had been home alone when the screaming started, and can you really expect a single mother to intervene? And I guess I can’t really blame the police, either.  As far as cops go they were decent enough.  Of course they took the throwing star my brother given me the day before, fresh...

Patties, Pollutants, and Paxil – Part II 0

Patties, Pollutants, and Paxil – Part II

So I’ve been hanging out at the government run Health and Wellness Centres lately. Not for any sort of legitimate reason, mind you, I just lounge in the waiting area so-as to upset the squares and remind them of what a Free Man looks like.  Anyway I was reading The Party Line, a free magazine for the Canadian Mental Health Association, when I came across the following quotes: The WHO ranks mental disorders as the number one disability claim in Canada, with depression being the most common.  These disability claims have been on the rise for the last 10 years…...

Draw Mohammad Day – Retrospective 2

Draw Mohammad Day – Retrospective

For those of you unfamiliar with the event in question, which occurred at the start of the long weekend, Thunderfoot’s video will get you up to speed. Standing up for free speech and pissing off religious zealots are always Epic Win in my book – I’m just sorry I didn’t get my drawing of Slayer, Alice Cooper, Satan, and Bon Jovi rescuing 6 year old Aysha done in time.  Guys like Thunderfoot are doing a great job of promoting Classical Liberal values in a society where Tolerance is far too often conflated with Respect, resulting in a black and vile...

Patties, Pollutants, and Paxil – Part I 1

Patties, Pollutants, and Paxil – Part I

One of the many reasons I can’t stand the Insane Clown Posse is that I’m a Big-Into-Science kind of guy. I can say things like “allele variation over generations in a changing environment” without stumbling, I can explain exactly why the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics is bullshit, and one time I choked a guy half-to-death for daring to utter words in my house which were deeply anti-science. “Do you have any idea,” I whispered, staring into eyes full of white-terror, my hands squeezing his trachea, “just how badly I’ve always wanted to kill a man? And how goddamn tempting...

Socialized Medicine 0

Socialized Medicine

It’s been a while since I posted.  Last month was awful, and it was capped off with a trip through Canada’s socialized medical system. After my friend got a referral from an outside Expert, I arrived with him at the Emergency Room of one our nation’s Fine Hospitals. 9 hours later he was finally admitted, and they began a rigorous course of testing for Heart Disease and Swine Flu – neither of which were the reasons he’d come there in the first place. At first I kept myself amused by playing with any of the equipment I could get my...

2010 State of the Union: The New Game 1

2010 State of the Union: The New Game

President Obama’s 2010 State of the Union Address was last week, and now that I’ve had a few days to mull it over I figured I’d write about it.  No, I’m not going to talk about the specific policies he mentioned – the SOTU’s big, looking at the tactics is a waste of time.  Something like this calls for a strategic analysis. Video here; Transcript here. I’ve never watched a State of the Union Address before; I’ve read summaries of them, but never actually watched one.  And the first things that stood out to me about this one was the...