My Collected Writings on history, science fiction, philosophy, and women.
Now mind you, I’m fairly certain that none of these folks have managed to zero in on the incredibly simple (and rather obvious, in my opinion) solution to these Woes That Ail Us, but I fully support their ridicule of Texas Governor Rick Perry and the Idiocy of his National Day of Prayer for Free Money:
So earlier tonight me and the Whiskey watched Nostalgia Chick’s latest review, a Pyrrhic attempt to tear down The Little Mermaid. I highly recommend that you give it a watch – if not for the entertainment value, then at least for the tragically comedic struggle of an intellectual feminist who’s All Woman inside. She just can’t stand Ariel falling for such a dull Prince Charming – and yet she empathizes. Then I watched the latest ManWomanMyth video, where they discuss intimacy, and tear at the idiotic idea of ‘love at first site’ (an idea which denigrates the slow build up...
Let’s talk about Sexual Harassment. And get ready for a ride, because we’re going to be tearing apart some Orwellian Double Speak. To start off let’s get our definitions straight – because like most words in our Modern Era, this one has two distinct meanings, and they ain’t nothing alike.
A brief history, in case you haven’t heard about the slut walks appearing all over the country: Last January, at University of Toronto, Police Constable Michael Sanguinetti was giving a lecture to ten students on how to maintain personal safety. At one point he said the following: “You know, I think we’re beating around the bush here. I’ve been told I’m not supposed to say this – however, women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimised.” This off the cuff remark led to an explosion of protests throughout the western world known as ‘Slut Walks’ where...
Good lord, this month has started off on a sour note. First, another bullshit election here in Canada (nobody worth voting for, as usual), and then to top off my piss-poor mood the entire Internet decided to collectively suck Obama’s dick. In disgust I spent yesterday on the balcony with a BB gun, sniping the Canada Goose who decided to nest on the office building across from me. It eventually figured out what I was doing, though, and now the balcony’s off limits; the damned goose is perched on the railing, making some sort of awful moaning noise, and pecking...
So the other day I was talking with a friend of mine, who Just Happens To Be a Crown Prosecutor…. Now, those of you who show up here regularly will know that my relationship with the cops is Ambivalent, at best. It’s not that I don’t support Lawful Authority – I believe in the Righteousness of contracts, the inviolability of property, and serving your country like a Good Goddamned Soldier. I’m basically a Paladin with addiction ‘problems’. But when you get down to the particulars of the police forces in our society, I’ve got some major problems with how they...
Here’s the thing, ladies; you love attention. We both know it’s true. And us men (Real Men, anyway) love you for it. Oh, sure, your narcissism can have a down side. For instance, I once attended the birthday party of a woman who turned it into an ‘event’ via FaceBook. The women were all up on stage, karaokeing and doing their own (boring) thing all night, while demanding that all us boyfriends and husbands pay attention to this unrehearsed Talent Show. I’m fairly certain that a Hall of Mirrors would have been a more successful venue.
So the other day, while my girlfriend was in the shower, I stumbled upon the following video. I couldn’t resist playing it for her while she towelled off. Now don’t get me wrong – her happiness matters to me, and I wouldn’t normally subject her to something like this, but we’d just spent the past three days performing a callisthenic marathon, and I figured she was sated. Any shrivelling effects would, at worst, allow her to concentrate at work the next day, or, at best, act as a needed balm for her gentler bits. So a quick warning, then: any...
A long time ago, in an Internet far, far away, I used to be a moderator on the Tucker Max Message Board. The best part of the TMMB was, by far, the Advice Board. Imagine Dear Abby without the delusions. It was the sort of place where people of all walks of life converged, and offered a spoonful of wisdom to the younger folk entering into this world. It was glorious! There’s an old saying which dictates that the only way to truly understand something is to teach it – if that’s the case, then thank you to all the...
I suppose I might as well post something about Alexandra Wallace, the UCLA student who posted a video ranting about Asians (Hat Tip to Not Ryan Faulk for the link). You know, there’s something that I’ve been wondering lately – were any Asians actually offended by the video? Now I’m not talking about those jokesters on YouTube, who will whine pedantically about any bit of news they can glom on to (I’m only pedantic about things that actually interest me) – no, I’m talking about the real people with their feet on the ground, the Asians who are students at...
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