Tagged: Feminism


Reality Fails the Bechdel Test

Swedish cinemas take aim at gender bias with Bechdel test rating You expect movie ratings to tell you whether a film contains nudity, sex, profanity or violence. Now cinemas in Sweden are introducing a new rating to highlight gender bias, or rather the absence of it. To get an A rating, a movie must pass the so-called Bechdel test, which means it must have at least two named female characters who talk to each other about something other than a man. Anyone with an ounce of sanity will be rolling their eyes at this bit of nonsense.  Nobody cares if...

The 25 Year Old Virgin 13

The 25 Year Old Virgin

I’ve noticed a trend going around, and it’s bothering me.  Let’s call it “Puritanism” – derived from “Purity” not “Puritanical” (though the Cunning Linguist in me suspects that they might somehow be related).  It’s something I’ve noticed appearing here and there in comment sections, you can even find the occasional blogger who will engage in it: the claim to moral purity. We all tend to be a bit idealistic around this deep, dark corner of the Internet; we speak in absolutes, we write about archetypes, and we simplify for the sake of explanation.  We’re trying to create new models for...

The Manosphere: A Response to 20/20 with Doctor Illusion 9

The Manosphere: A Response to 20/20 with Doctor Illusion

Myself and Doctor Illusion sat down to have a chat about what the Manosphere actually is, in preparation for the 20/20 hatchet job; I’ll argue with Paul Elam some other day, right now it’s time to circle the wagons.  With any luck, it should be a fun time for all, veterans and newbies of this deep, dark corner of the Internet. Incidentally, my novel is still available on Amazon, and my Facebook account is Darth.Aurini; feel free to send me a friend request! The story behind the image for this video. A site to download it as an MP3. Also,...


Pry, Valiente, & ABC: A Study in Corrupt Journalistic Ethics

The following post is going to be addressing an article by Alyssa Pry and Alexa Valiente on ABC’s website, titled Women Battle Online Anti-Women Hate From the ‘Manosphere’.  I bring this up at the start because the purpose of this post is three-fold. 1. To establish that the Fourth Estate – the journalists upon whom we rely to transmit an accurate picture of the world – is hopelessly corrupt.  Not just incompetent (though man of them are that, too), but corrupt.  Their intentional dishonesty is an existential threat to our civilization. 2. To discuss the challenges every journalist and writer...

Grand Theft Auto V and Misogyny 3

Grand Theft Auto V and Misogyny

By now I’m sure you’ve heard the complaints coming from the usual quarters: GTA V contains “disturbing” attitudes towards women.  It more-or-less started with a GameSpot Transexual praising the game, aside from this one “issue,” and since then it keeps popping up all over. Quite frankly, I’m sick of it. And yet, GTA V is a game that does merit conversation; it’s a game that contains theft, murder, and torture, over and above the alleged misogyny – surely this is worthy of discussion; by what grounds to we deliver a resounding “Shut your fool mouth, woman!” to the feminists that...

Calling Liberals Racist 8

Calling Liberals Racist

As I’m sure you’re all aware, “racist” is a meaningless word; the closest it comes to having any semantic content is John Ringo’s “Bad dog!  No biscuit!” It’s an empty set of boo-lights meant to censure those on the right.  Any of the following can get you called racist: Noticing biological/behavioural differences between the races Noticing cultural differences between non-White groups (cultural differences between Whites don’t count) Noticing different groups Advocating policies based upon race which don’t involve free-money or preferential treatment Advocating polices which ignore race, “free-market economics” style Disagreeing with a black person (or other minority aside from...

Global Warming: A Degenerate Science for a Degenerate Age 7

Global Warming: A Degenerate Science for a Degenerate Age

Aaron Clarey wrote an excellent post on the facility of present-day political argument, about how the – generally “Leftist” or “Progressive” arguments (though there are a few Conservative arguments in there as well) – are a foot deep, and a mild wide; easy to disprove, but infinite in their variety.  Any given one can be torn apart in five-minutes, but for each Hydra head you lop-off, two more show up in its place. I was thinking about global warming.  Not from a scientific or political perspective, but a psychological one.  Namely, “How dumb are these people not to see it...

Known Unknowns, and Unknown Unknowns 11

Known Unknowns, and Unknown Unknowns

I’m hesitant to write about the Mark Minter situation; this whole thing is taking on shades of celebrity/hero worship, and as a general rule I try not to target individuals with my writing.  I’ll target their arguments, certainly, and I’ll attack groups of people, whether they be ideologues or mentalities, but focusing the eternal laser-light of the Internet on an individual is a cowardly bullying tactic, employed by the anonymous. And yet, I recently wrote a scathing take-down of Kezia Willingham; what makes this the exception that proves the rule? Simple: she chose to make her private life the argument...