Tagged: Game


Charisma for Introverts: In Depth Analysis #1

This forty minute video is designed to be a how-to guide for introverts on how to improve their ability to relate to others; both for the sake of improving their interpersonal outcomes, as well as enabling them to maintain a shield of privacy when circumstances demand socialization.


Game Theory and the Marriage Matrix

Plotting a course to our hopes and dreams grows ever more difficult, as the incentives which make up the social fabric of society shift, and defection is prioritized over cooperation.


Automated Prisons, and the Dilemma of Love

We are all prisoners of this world, all of us locked into this psychopathic trust game with one another, and the only sane answer is – each and every time – to defect, to sell out your co-conspirator, and to hope to God that they’re just a robotic simulacrum that sold you out first.


Women’s Capacity for Moral Agency

This is a follow-up to my recent article Game Versus the Reactosphere, and my video The White Knight, as well as an expansion on the concepts in another video, Men Are Responsible for Feminism; Esoteric Trad has written a response to my first article here, and Free Northerner published a similar piece to this one titled The Slut Event Horizon. Women’s capacity for moral agency (or lack thereof) is seldom a question which is specifically addressed; neither here in the Neoreactionary/Manosphere circles, and certainly not in the culture at large. In our case there are several reasons that it doesn’t...


Game Versus the Reactosphere

One of my biggest pet-peeves is seeing people argue at cross-purposes, and I think that’s precisely what’s going on with this debate between the Neoreactionaries and the Game bloggers: both sides are arguing against a caricature, due to the fact that – despite using the same terminology – they’re both using the terms with subtly different nuances, thus leading to an apparent disagreement, where no major disagreement actually exists. An example of that confused terminology is the conflation of PUA with Gamer. On the surface they’re very similar.  They both write about picking up women, they both use words like...


Mating Disruption: The Decline of the West

One of the curious contradictions you’ll find in Atheistkult is how they embrace a purely Materialist view of reality (declaring the Mind to be nothing but the brain, a clockwork, deterministic automaton), while simultaneously rejecting evolution (of the different sub-types of human) as well as evolutionary psychology: they declare that all humans are free, rational beings (minus the soul part) whom can make any decision they want, and that Game is an imaginary security blanket: in no way are the aggregate behaviours of men and women conforming to some sort of pattern. Humans might be robots – but they’re certainly...


Beta Males Create Hypergamy

You manifest your own reality. I know what you’re thinking: nothing but the words of a self-help guru, some manipulative Eastern Mystic, selling bulk-bin books to the Housefrau at Walmart.  Quite frankly, I’m not a huge fan of that positive-thinking garbage, myself; I far prefer suffering.  As Jordan Petersen said in the video I linked yesterday, suffering is how you know you’re alive. Happiness?  Happiness is the heroin drip, the video game addiction, the desire for Thanatos and self-elimination.  Happiness is Utopia, and Utopia’s nothing but the process of killing off everybody, one by one, until you’re the last man...


A Heart of Gold, in a Pyrite Desert

The Manosphere has done a lot of good work publicizing just how truly awful women can be.  By now, the Blue Pill reality is miles away; the claims that women are all pure, that they deserve to be pedestalized, that divorce is mainly due to abusive men, that girls like nice guys, and that men were ever, as a whole, oppressing women – these have been thoroughly wiped away.  What started off as strangers comparing notes online – “Wait a minute, you’ve been through the same thing?  I thought I was the only one!” – has grown into a well-researched,...


4 Reasons Not to Date a Girl With an Eating Disorder [Return of Kings]

Note: you may remember my post on Why You Should Never Date a Girl With an Eating Disorder from a few weeks back; this is not a retread, it’s a different spin on the same premise. Several weeks back, Brother Tuthomosis posted an article titled 5 Reasons To Date A Girl With An Eating Disorder. Although it was meant as a ribald jest, many voices came forward to protest the insensitivity displayed by Return Of Kings. We simply cannot be so insensitive, men; our brethren sistren of the Demisexual & Otherkin genders are sensitive souls, and it is incumbent upon us...